var NPos3d = NPos3d || { addFunc: function (o) { var t = this, len, i; if(o.parent){ //If the object already has a parent, remove it from that one first. o.parent.remove(o); } if(t.children === undefined){ t.children = []; } else { //It is never a good idea to allow an item to be a child of a parent more than once. //Trust me. len = t.children.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (t.children[i] === o) { return false; } } } if(t.childrenToBeAdded === undefined){ t.childrenToBeAdded = []; } else { //Check here too, in case it was added multiple times per frame. len = t.childrenToBeAdded.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (t.childrenToBeAdded[i] === o) { return false; } } } t.childrenToBeAdded.push(o); return true; }, removeFunc: function (o) { if (o.onRemove !== undefined) { o.onRemove(); } o.expired = true; }, destroyFunc: function () { if (this.onRemove !== undefined) { this.onRemove(); } this.expired = true; }, updateMatricesFunc: function(viewMatrix) { var t = this, m = NPos3d.Maths, p = t.parent; //localScale: , //localRotation: , //localComposite: , //globalComposite //START updating the object's local matrices //scale m.mat4P3Scale(m.__mat4Identity, t.scale, t.matrices.localScale); //rotate m.eulerToMat4(t.rot, t.rotOrder, t.matrices.localRotation); //composite matrix starts out as scale, no need to multiply m.mat4Set(t.matrices.localComposite, t.matrices.localScale); m.mat4Mul(t.matrices.localComposite, t.matrices.localRotation, t.matrices.localComposite); //no need to multiply the local composite, adding 3 keys will be faster //this is also why we don't need a local localPosition matrix. m.mat4P3Translate(t.matrices.localComposite, t.pos, t.matrices.localComposite); //END updating the object's local matrices //Multiply the localComposite by the patent's globalComposite to get this object's globalComposite if(p && !p.isScene){ m.mat4Mul(t.matrices.localComposite, p.matrices.globalComposite, t.matrices.globalComposite); } else if(viewMatrix != undefined) { m.mat4Mul(t.matrices.localComposite, p.viewMatrix, t.matrices.globalComposite); } else { m.mat4Set(t.matrices.globalComposite, t.matrices.localComposite); } m.p3Mat4Mul([0,0,0], t.matrices.globalComposite, t.gPos); //because it rocks to be able to read a global position m.p3Mat4Mul(t.scale, t.matrices.globalComposite, t.gScale); //Would this even work? }, recursivelyUpdateMatrices: function rUM(o) { if(o.parent && !o.parent.isScene) { rUM(o.parent); } o.updateMatrices(); }, transformPoints: function(o, outPoints) { var m = NPos3d.Maths, i; for (i = 0; i < o.shape.points.length; i += 1) { outPoints[i] = m.p3Mat4Mul(o.shape.points[i], o.matrices.globalComposite, outPoints[i]); } }, getTransformedPointsFunc: function(){ var t = this; var transformedPoints = []; if(t.shape && t.shape.points && t.shape.points.length){ NPos3d.recursivelyUpdateMatrices(t); NPos3d.transformPoints(t, transformedPoints); } return transformedPoints; }, getWorldPositionFunc: function(){ NPos3d.recursivelyUpdateMatrices(this); return NPos3d.Maths.p3Mat4Mul([0,0,0], this.matrices.globalComposite); }, renderFunc: function(){ //This function should be assigned to objects in the scene which will be rendered; //Example: myObject.render = NPos3d.renderFunc; var t = this; //should be referring to the object being rendered t.updateMatrices(t, t.scene.viewMatrix); if(!t.shape || !t.shape.points || !t.shape.points.length){ t.transformedPointCache.length = 0; } else { t.scene.updateTransformedPointCache(t); //if there are no points, there is nothing to render with these methods! if(t.transformedPointCache.length > 0){ if (t.renderStyle === 'both' || t.renderStyle === 'lines') { if( //I can't render a line if I don't have at least 2 points and 1 line. t.transformedPointCache.length > 1 && t.shape.lines !== undefined && typeof t.shape.lines.length === 'number' && t.shape.lines.length > 0 ) { t.scene.drawLines(t); } } if (t.renderStyle === 'both' || t.renderStyle === 'points') { t.scene.drawPoints(t); } if(t.renderStyle !== 'both' && t.renderStyle !== 'lines' && t.renderStyle !== 'points') { throw 'Invalid renderStyle specified: ' + t.renderStyle; } } } if(t.postRender){ t.postRender(); } } }; //Here lies almost anything related to trig/calc NPos3d.Maths = { pi: Math.PI, tau: (Math.PI * 2), deg: (Math.PI / 180), sin: Math.sin, cos: Math.cos, square: function (num) {return num * num;}, //-------------------------------- //Some basic boundary / collission testing maths. //-------------------------------- //I'm sure this function causes lag. Please use the 2D and 3D speciffic versions instead. pointInNBounds: function (point, bounds) { var d; //Works for 2D, 3D, and nD! Please, please feed in bounds generated like the line below. //var bounds = nGetBounds(pointList); //d stands for dimension for (d = 0; d < point.length; d += 1) { //dimensional value check if (point[d] < bounds[0][d] || point[d] > bounds[1][d]) { return false; } } return true; }, pointIn2dBounds: function (point, bounds) { //Works for 2D! Please, please feed in bounds generated like the line below. //var bounds = nGetBounds(pointList); //dimensional value check if ( point[0] < bounds[0][0] || point[0] > bounds[1][0] || point[1] < bounds[0][1] || point[1] > bounds[1][1] ) { return false; } return true; }, pointIn3dBounds: function (point, bounds) { //Works for 3D! Please, please feed in bounds generated like the line below. //var bounds = nGetBounds(pointList); //dimensional value check if ( point[0] < bounds[0][0] || point[0] > bounds[1][0] || point[1] < bounds[0][1] || point[1] > bounds[1][1] || point[2] < bounds[0][2] || point[2] > bounds[1][2] ) { return false; } return true; }, //-------------------------------- //This is where all of the 3D and math happens //-------------------------------- getSquareVecLength2D: function (x,y) { return NPos3d.Maths.square(x) + NPos3d.Maths.square(y); }, getVecLength2D: function (x,y) { return Math.sqrt(NPos3d.Maths.getSquareVecLength2D(x,y)); }, getRelativeAngle3D: function (p3) { //DO NOT try to optimize out the use of Math.sqrt in this function!!! var topAngle = Math.atan2(p3[1], p3[0]), length = NPos3d.Maths.getVecLength2D(p3[0], p3[1]), sideAngle = -Math.atan2(p3[2], length); return [ 0, sideAngle, topAngle]; }, p3Add: function (a, b, outputPoint) { var o = outputPoint || []; o[0] = a[0] + b[0]; o[1] = a[1] + b[1]; o[2] = a[2] + b[2]; o[3] = a[3]; //preserve point color return o; }, p3Sub: function (a, b, outputPoint) { var o = outputPoint || []; o[0] = a[0] - b[0]; o[1] = a[1] - b[1]; o[2] = a[2] - b[2]; o[3] = a[3]; //preserve point color return o; }, pointAt: function (o, endPos) { var m = NPos3d.Maths, posDiff = m.p3Sub(endPos, o.gPos); //works only for this rotOrder at the moment if(o.rotOrder !== [2,1,0]){ o.rotOrder = [2,1,0]; } o.rot = m.getRelativeAngle3D(posDiff); }, __mat4Identity: [ 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 ], makeMat4: function() { return this.__mat4Identity.slice(); }, mat3ToMat4Translation: [ [0,1,2], [4,5,6], [8,9,10] ], rotOrders: { /* i, j, k, parity */ '0,1,2':[0, 1, 2, 0], /* XYZ */ '0,2,1':[0, 2, 1, 1], /* XZY */ '1,0,2':[1, 0, 2, 1], /* YXZ */ '1,2,0':[1, 2, 0, 0], /* YZX */ '2,0,1':[2, 0, 1, 0], /* ZXY */ '2,1,0':[2, 1, 0, 1] /* ZYX */ }, //The below function mostly converted from Blender source (so much love for team Blender), //plus a little redundancy reduction if no rotation or same as last rotation //Original function was named: eulO_to_mat3 - Construct 3x3 matrix from Euler angles (in radians). // eulerToMat4: function(euler, order, outputMatrix) { var m = this, o = outputMatrix || m.makeMat4(), M = m.mat3ToMat4Translation, eulerString = euler.toString(), orderString = order.toString(), R = m.rotOrders[orderString], i = R[0], j = R[1], k = R[2], parity = R[3], ti, tj, th, ci, cj, ch, si, sj, sh, cc, cs, sc, ss; if(o.euler !== eulerString && o.rotOrder !== orderString) { o.euler = eulerString; o.order = orderString; if(eulerString === '0,0,0'){ //if no rotation, do no work and just return an identity matrix o[00] = 1, o[01] = 0, o[02] = 0, o[04] = 0, o[05] = 1, o[06] = 0, o[08] = 0, o[09] = 0, o[10] = 1; } else { //below here is all of the Blender magic //ti, th, tj are all inverted for NPos3d purposes if (parity) { ti = euler[i]; tj = euler[j]; th = euler[k]; } else { ti = -euler[i]; tj = -euler[j]; th = -euler[k]; } ci = m.cos(ti); cj = m.cos(tj); ch = m.cos(th); si = m.sin(ti); sj = m.sin(tj); sh = m.sin(th); cc = ci * ch; cs = ci * sh; sc = si * ch; ss = si * sh; o[M[i][i]] = cj * ch; o[M[j][i]] = sj * sc - cs; o[M[k][i]] = sj * cc + ss; o[M[i][j]] = cj * sh; o[M[j][j]] = sj * ss + cc; o[M[k][j]] = sj * cs - sc; o[M[i][k]] = -sj; o[M[j][k]] = cj * si; o[M[k][k]] = cj * ci; } } return o; }, mat4Set: function(a, b) { // essentially `a = b` a[00] = b[00], a[01] = b[01], a[02] = b[02], a[03] = b[03], a[04] = b[04], a[05] = b[05], a[06] = b[06], a[07] = b[07], a[08] = b[08], a[09] = b[09], a[10] = b[10], a[11] = b[11], a[12] = b[12], a[13] = b[13], a[14] = b[14], a[15] = b[15], a.euler = b.euler, a.order = b.order; return a; }, mat4Mul: function(a, b, outputMatrix) { var a00=a[00],a01=a[01],a02=a[02],a03=a[03],a04=a[04],a05=a[05],a06=a[06],a07=a[07], a08=a[08],a09=a[09],a10=a[10],a11=a[11],a12=a[12],a13=a[13],a14=a[14],a15=a[15], b00=b[00],b01=b[01],b02=b[02],b03=b[03],b04=b[04],b05=b[05],b06=b[06],b07=b[07], b08=b[08],b09=b[09],b10=b[10],b11=b[11],b12=b[12],b13=b[13],b14=b[14],b15=b[15], o = outputMatrix || []; //performance testing this approach versus`o[00] = b[01] * a[01] ...` //on 10 million points indicated that this is a lot faster o[00] = b00 * a00 + b01 * a04 + b02 * a08 + b03 * a12, o[01] = b00 * a01 + b01 * a05 + b02 * a09 + b03 * a13, o[02] = b00 * a02 + b01 * a06 + b02 * a10 + b03 * a14, o[03] = b00 * a03 + b01 * a07 + b02 * a11 + b03 * a15, o[04] = b04 * a00 + b05 * a04 + b06 * a08 + b07 * a12, o[05] = b04 * a01 + b05 * a05 + b06 * a09 + b07 * a13, o[06] = b04 * a02 + b05 * a06 + b06 * a10 + b07 * a14, o[07] = b04 * a03 + b05 * a07 + b06 * a11 + b07 * a15, o[08] = b08 * a00 + b09 * a04 + b10 * a08 + b11 * a12, o[09] = b08 * a01 + b09 * a05 + b10 * a09 + b11 * a13, o[10] = b08 * a02 + b09 * a06 + b10 * a10 + b11 * a14, o[11] = b08 * a03 + b09 * a07 + b10 * a11 + b11 * a15, o[12] = b12 * a00 + b13 * a04 + b14 * a08 + b15 * a12, o[13] = b12 * a01 + b13 * a05 + b14 * a09 + b15 * a13, o[14] = b12 * a02 + b13 * a06 + b14 * a10 + b15 * a14, o[15] = b12 * a03 + b13 * a07 + b14 * a11 + b15 * a15; return o; }, mat4P3Translate: function (m, v, outputMatrix) { var o = outputMatrix || this.makeMat4(), aX = m[03], aY = m[07], aZ = m[11], x = v[0], y = v[1], z = v[2]; o[03] = aX + x, o[07] = aY + y, o[11] = aZ + z; return o; }, mat4P3Scale: function (m, v, outputMatrix) { //scales both rotation and translation var o = outputMatrix || this.makeMat4(), x = v[0], y = v[1], z = v[2], a00 = m[00], a01 = m[01], a02 = m[02], a03 = m[03], a04 = m[04], a05 = m[05], a06 = m[06], a07 = m[07], a08 = m[08], a09 = m[09], a10 = m[10], a11 = m[11]; o[00] = a00 * x, o[01] = a01 * x, o[02] = a02 * x, o[03] = a03 * x, o[04] = a04 * y, o[05] = a05 * y, o[06] = a06 * y, o[07] = a07 * y, o[08] = a08 * z, o[09] = a09 * z, o[10] = a10 * z, o[11] = a11 * z; return o; }, p3Mat4Mul: function(v, m, outputPoint) { var o = outputPoint || [], x = v[0], y = v[1], z = v[2], color = v[3] || false; //Point Color Preservation - no need to offset or rotate it o[0] = (x * m[00]) + (y * m[01]) + (z * m[02]) + m[03]; o[1] = (x * m[04]) + (y * m[05]) + (z * m[06]) + m[07]; o[2] = (x * m[08]) + (y * m[09]) + (z * m[10]) + m[11]; //o[3] = (x * m[12]) + (y * m[13]) + (z * m[14]) + (w * m[15]); o[3] = color; return o; }, __matrix: false, //Probably performance hazardous but Human friendly - use only sparingly. p3Rotate: function (p3, rot, order){ var m = NPos3d.Maths; if(!m.__matrix){ m.__matrix = m.makeMat4(); } m.eulerToMat4(rot, order, m.__matrix); return m.p3Mat4Mul(p3, m.__matrix); }, getP3Scaled: function (p3,scale) { //return p3; return [p3[0]*scale[0], p3[1]*scale[1], p3[2]*scale[2]]; }, getP2Offset: function (p2,offset) { //an efficient hack to quickly add an offset to a 2D point return [p2[0]+offset[0], p2[1]+offset[1]]; }, getP3String: function (p3) { return 'x: '+p3[0]+' y: '+p3[1]+' z: '+p3[2]; }, nGetBounds: function (pointList) { //Works for 2D, 3D, and nD! if(pointList.length < 1){return [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]];} //assume 3D if empty var min = []; var max = []; var p = pointList[0]; for (var d = 0; d < p.length; d += 1) { min[d] = p[d]; max[d] = p[d]; } for (var i = 1; i < pointList.length; i += 1) { var p = pointList[i]; //d stands for dimension for (var d = 0; d < p.length; d += 1) { if (p[d] < min[d]) {min[d] = p[d];} else if (p[d] > max[d]) {max[d] = p[d];} } } return [min,max]; }, makeBBCubeFromTwoPoints: function (bbMinOffset,bbMaxOffset) { return [ [bbMinOffset[0],bbMinOffset[1],bbMaxOffset[2]], [bbMaxOffset[0],bbMinOffset[1],bbMaxOffset[2]], [bbMaxOffset[0],bbMaxOffset[1],bbMaxOffset[2]], [bbMinOffset[0],bbMaxOffset[1],bbMaxOffset[2]], [bbMinOffset[0],bbMinOffset[1],bbMinOffset[2]], [bbMaxOffset[0],bbMinOffset[1],bbMinOffset[2]], [bbMaxOffset[0],bbMaxOffset[1],bbMinOffset[2]], [bbMinOffset[0],bbMaxOffset[1],bbMinOffset[2]] ]; } }; NPos3d.Utils = { subset: function (ob, string) { var output = {}, propList = string.split(','), i; for (i = 0; i < propList.length; i += 1) { output[propList[i]] = ob[propList[i]]; } return output; }, initVal: function () { //A function designed to compensate for lack of function (value = default) var i; if (arguments.length < 1) { throw 'ur doin it wrong. initVal function requires > 1 arguments'; } for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) { if (arguments[i] !== undefined && arguments[i] !== null) { return arguments[i]; } } return arguments[i]; }, get_type: function (input) { if (input === null) { return "[object Null]"; // special case } return; }, displayDebug: function (input) { var u = NPos3d.Utils, output = [], keyName; if (u.get_type(input).match(/Number/i)) { output.push(input + '
'); } else { output.push( + '
'); } for (keyName in input) { if (input.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) { output.push(keyName.toString() + ': ' + u.get_type(input[keyName]) + ' - ' + input[keyName] + '
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'absolute' : 'relative'; t.mouseHandler = function (e) { var canvasOffsetX = 0, canvasOffsetY = 0, pointX = 0, pointY = 0; if( === t.canvas || === window){ e.preventDefault(); } if (!t.fullScreen) { var offset = t.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); canvasOffsetX = offset.left; canvasOffsetY =; } if (e.touches && e.touches.length) { pointX = e.touches[0].clientX; pointY = e.touches[0].clientY; } else { pointX = e.clientX; pointY = e.clientY; } if(t.cursorPosition === 'absolute'){ pointX -= canvasOffsetX; pointY -= canvasOffsetY; } t.mpos.x = Math.ceil((pointX / t.pixelScale) -; t.mpos.y = Math.ceil((pointY / t.pixelScale) -; //console.log(t.mpos.x, t.mpos.y); }; window.addEventListener('mousemove',t.mouseHandler,false); window.addEventListener('touchstart',t.mouseHandler,false); window.addEventListener('touchmove',t.mouseHandler,false); //window.addEventListener('touchend',t.mouseHandler,false); t.children = []; t.renderInstructionList = []; t.add(; t.start(); t.globalize(); return this; }; NPos3d.Scene.prototype = { type: 'Scene', isScene: true, globalize: function () { //Because it's a pain to have to reference too much. I'll unpack my tools so I can get to work. window.pi = NPos3d.Maths.pi; window.tau = NPos3d.Maths.tau; window.deg = NPos3d.Maths.deg; window.sin = NPos3d.Maths.sin; window.cos = NPos3d.Maths.cos; window.square = NPos3d.Maths.square; }, resize: function () { var t = this; = Math.floor(t.w/2); = Math.floor(t.h/2); t.mpos.x = 0; t.mpos.y = 0; t.canvas.width = t.w; t.canvas.height = t.h; if (t.pixelScale !== 1) { = Math.ceil(t.w * t.pixelScale) + 'px'; = Math.ceil(t.h * t.pixelScale) + 'px'; } else { = t.w + 'px'; = t.h + 'px'; } t.lw = t.w; t.lh = t.h; if(t.isMobile ){ t.handleViewportShenanigans(); } }, handleViewportShenanigans: function(){ //Normally, something like this should never exist under any reasonable circumstances, //but mobile browsers refuse to allow me to display pages pixel-per-pixel in any sane way. //This does 3 things - // 1: Make the canvas very, very large, which kills performance // 2: Make the render output SUCK // 3: HULK SMASH!!! var t = this, meta = document.getElementById('vp'), viewportContentString; if (!meta) { meta = document.createElement('meta'); meta.setAttribute('name','viewport'); meta.setAttribute('id','vp'); } if (meta && meta.parentNode === document.head) { document.head.removeChild(meta); } if(t.forceRealPixels){ viewportContentString = t.getViewportForceRealPixelsString(); } else { viewportContentString = t.getCommonViewportWidth() + t.commonViewportProperties; } meta.setAttribute('content', viewportContentString); document.head.appendChild(meta); }, getCommonViewportWidth: function(){ var t = this, result = 'width=device-width'; if(t.mobileSafari){ result = 'width=' + t.w; } return result; }, commonViewportProperties: ', initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no', getViewportForceRealPixelsString: function(){ var t = this, result = '', ratio, repairedRatioString; if(t.mobileFireFox){ result = 'width=' + t.w + ', user-scalable=no, target-densityDpi=device-dpi'; } else if(t.mobileSafari || t.newChromeMobile) { ratio = 1 / (window.devicePixelRatio || 1); repairedRatioString = ', initial-scale=' + ratio + ', minimum-scale=' + ratio + ', maximum-scale=' + ratio + ', user-scalable=no'; result = t.getCommonViewportWidth() + repairedRatioString; } else { result = 'width=device-width, target-densityDpi=device-dpi' + t.commonViewportProperties; } return result; }, updateRecursively: function updateRecursively(o){ if(!o.isScene){ o.update(); } if(o.children){ o.children.forEach(updateRecursively); } }, renderRecursively: function renderRecursively(o){ if(!o.isScene && o.render){ o.render(); } if(o.children){ o.children.forEach(renderRecursively); } }, removeExpiredChildrenRecursively: function rECR(o){ var len, i, child; if(o.children){ len = o.children.length; for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { child = o.children[i]; rECR(child); if(child.expired){ o.children.splice(i,1); child.expired = false; child.parent = false; child.scene = false; } } } }, addNewChildrenRecursively: function addNewChildrenRecursively(o){ var i, child, newChild, scene = false; if(o.children !== undefined && o.children.length !== undefined && o.children.length > 0){ for (i = 0; i < o.children.length; i += 1) { child = o.children[i]; addNewChildrenRecursively(child); } } if (o.isScene === true) { scene = o; } else { scene = o.scene; } //This bit is nifty: thanks to scene = false at init, //if a node is parented to another node with no scene, //then all child nodes have their scene removed as well. if(o.childrenToBeAdded !== undefined && o.childrenToBeAdded.length !== undefined && o.childrenToBeAdded.length > 0){ for (i = 0; i < o.childrenToBeAdded.length; i += 1) { newChild = o.childrenToBeAdded[i]; if(newChild.expired) { newChild.expired = false; } else { o.children.push(newChild); newChild.parent = o; newChild.scene = scene; if(newChild.onAdd !== undefined){ newChild.onAdd(); } } } delete o.childrenToBeAdded; } }, render: function(){ var t = this, i, len, instruction; if(t.renderInstructionList !== undefined && t.renderInstructionList.length > 0){ len = t.renderInstructionList.length; for(i = 0; i < len; i += 1){ instruction = t.renderInstructionList[i]; instruction.method(t.c,instruction.args); } } }, update: function () { var t = this, i, len = t.children.length, child, u = NPos3d.Utils; try{ t.checkWindow(); if (t.w !== t.lw || t.h !== t.lh) {t.resize();} if (t.debugViewport) { var newSize = u.subset(window,'innerHeight,innerWidth,outerWidth,outerHeight,devicePixelRatio'); newSize.screenSizeWidth = window.screen.width; newSize.screenSizeHeight = window.screen.height; newSize.documentElementClientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; newSize.documentElementClientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; newSize.devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; newSize.navigator = navigator.userAgent; u.clearDebug(); u.displayDebug(newSize); } t.renderInstructionList = []; //the render methods on each object are supposed to populate this array t.addNewChildrenRecursively(t); t.updateRecursively(t); t.viewMatrix = t.inverseMatrix(; t.renderRecursively(t); t.removeExpiredChildrenRecursively(t); if(t.backgroundColor === 'transparent'){ t.c.clearRect(0,0,t.w,t.h); }else{ t.c.fillStyle = t.backgroundColor; t.c.fillRect(0,0,t.w,t.h); }; t.c.globalCompositeOperation = t.globalCompositeOperation; t.c.translate(,; t.renderInstructionList.sort(t.sortRenderInstructionByZDepth); t.render(); t.c.restore(); } catch(e){ t.stop(); console.log(e, e.stack, t); } }, start: function () { var t = this; t.interval = setInterval( function () { t.update(); if(t.frameRate !== t.lastFrameRate){ //automatically updates frameRate if updated mid-usage t.stop(); t.lastFrameRate = t.frameRate; t.start(); } }, 1000 / t.frameRate ); }, stop: function () { clearInterval(this.interval); }, sortRenderInstructionByZDepth: function (a,b) {return a.z - b.z;}, recurseForInheritedProperties:function rfip(o, propName){ if(o[propName] !== undefined){ return o[propName]; } if(o.parent){ return rfip(o.parent, propName); } }, drawLine: function(c,o){ c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(o.a.x,o.a.y); c.lineTo(o.b.x,o.b.y); if(c.strokeStyle !== o.color){c.strokeStyle = o.color;} if(c.lineWidth !== o.lineWidth){c.lineWidth = o.lineWidth;} if(c.lineCap !== 'round'){c.lineCap = 'round';} c.stroke(); }, drawCircle: function(c,o){ var scale = o.pos.scale * o.pointScale; if(scale >= 0){ c.moveTo(o.pos.x, o.pos.y); c.beginPath(); c.arc(o.pos.x,o.pos.y,scale,0,tau,false); if (o.pointStyle === 'fill') { if(c.fillStyle !== o.color){c.fillStyle = o.color} c.fill(); }else if (o.pointStyle === 'stroke') { if(c.strokeStyle !== o.color){c.strokeStyle = o.color;} if(c.lineWidth !== o.lineWidth){c.lineWidth = o.lineWidth;} if(c.lineCap !== 'round'){c.lineCap = 'round';} c.stroke(); } } }, inverseMatrix: function(o) { var m = NPos3d.Maths; var resultMatrix = m.makeMat4(); do { var rotationMatrix = m.makeMat4(); m.eulerToMat4({ return -n }), o.rotOrder.slice().reverse(), rotationMatrix ); m.mat4P3Translate(resultMatrix, [-o.pos[0], -o.pos[1], -o.pos[2]], resultMatrix); m.mat4Mul(resultMatrix, rotationMatrix, resultMatrix); m.mat4P3Scale(resultMatrix,{ return -n })); o = o.parent; } while(o && !o.isScene); return resultMatrix; }, updateTransformedPointCache: function (o){ var t = this, m = NPos3d.Maths, i, currentGlobalCompositeMatrixString; if(o.transformedPointCache.length !== o.shape.points.length){ o.transformedPointCache.length = 0; //empty the array, keep the object reference o.lastGlobalCompositeMatrixString = false; } currentGlobalCompositeMatrixString = o.matrices.globalComposite.toString(); if (!o.lastGlobalCompositeMatrixString || o.lastGlobalCompositeMatrixString !== currentGlobalCompositeMatrixString) { NPos3d.transformPoints(o, o.transformedPointCache); o.boundingBox = m.nGetBounds(o.transformedPointCache); o.lastGlobalCompositeMatrixString = currentGlobalCompositeMatrixString; } }, lineRenderLoop: function (o) { var t = this, m = NPos3d.Maths, i, p3a, p3b; for (i = 0; i < o.shape.lines.length; i += 1) { //offset the points by the object's position p3a = o.transformedPointCache[o.shape.lines[i][0]]; p3b = o.transformedPointCache[o.shape.lines[i][1]]; //if the depths of the first and second point in the line are not behind the camera... //and the depths of the first and second point in the line are closer than the far plane... if ( p3a[2] < && p3b[2] < && p3a[2] > && p3b[2] > ) { var p0 =; var p1 =; // min max var screenBounds = [[,],[,]]; var p0InBounds = m.pointIn2dBounds([p0.x,p0.y],screenBounds); var p1InBounds = m.pointIn2dBounds([p1.x,p1.y],screenBounds); //If the line is completely off screen, do not bother rendering it. if (p0InBounds || p1InBounds) { t.renderInstructionList.push({ method: t.drawLine, args: { a: p0, b: p1, color: o.shape.lines[i][2] || o.shape.color || o.color || t.strokeStyle, lineWidth: o.lineWidth || o.parent.lineWidth || t.lineWidth || 1 }, z: Math.max(p3a[2], p3b[2]) }); } } } }, drawLines: function (o) { var t = this, m = NPos3d.Maths, i, bbCube, bbMinOffset, bbMaxOffset, bbOffScreen, bbp; if (o.renderAlways) { t.lineRenderLoop(o); return; } bbMinOffset = o.boundingBox[0]; bbMaxOffset = o.boundingBox[1]; //Checking to see if any part of the bounding box is in front on the camera and closer than the far plane before bothering to do anything else... if (bbMaxOffset[2] > && bbMinOffset[2] < && bbMaxOffset[2] > && bbMaxOffset[2] < { //Alright. It's in front and not behind. Now is the bounding box even partially on screen? //8 points determine the cube... let's start from the top left, spiraling down clockwise bbCube = m.makeBBCubeFromTwoPoints(bbMinOffset,bbMaxOffset); bbOffScreen = true; //At some point in the future if I wanted to get really crazy, I could probably determine which order //to sort the array above to orient the point closest to the center of the screen nearest the first of the list, //so I don't bother checking all 8 points to determine if it's on screen - or even off screen. for (i = 0; i < bbCube.length && bbOffScreen; i += 1) { bbp =[i]); if (bbp.x < && bbp.x > && bbp.y < && bbp.y > { bbOffScreen = false; } } if (!bbOffScreen) { t.lineRenderLoop(o); } } }, drawPoints: function (o) { var t = this, m = NPos3d.Maths, i, bbMinOffset, bbMaxOffset, bbCube, bbOffScreen, bbp; if (o.renderAlways) { t.pointRenderLoop(o); return; } bbMinOffset = o.boundingBox[0]; bbMaxOffset = o.boundingBox[1]; //Checking to see if any part of the bounding box is in front on the camera and closer than the far plane before bothering to do anything else... if ( bbMaxOffset[2] > && bbMinOffset[2] < && bbMaxOffset[2] > && bbMaxOffset[2] < ) { //Alright. It's in front and not behind. Now is the bounding box even partially on screen? //8 points determine the cube... let's start from the top left, spiraling down clockwise bbCube = m.makeBBCubeFromTwoPoints(bbMinOffset,bbMaxOffset); bbOffScreen = true; //At some point in the future if I wanted to get really crazy, I could probably determine which order //to sort the array above to orient the point closest to the center of the screen nearest the first of the list, //so I don't bother checking all 8 points to determine if it's on screen - or even off screen. for (i = 0; i < bbCube.length && bbOffScreen; i += 1) { bbp =[i]); if (bbp.x < && bbp.x > && bbp.y < && bbp.y > { bbOffScreen = false; } } if (!bbOffScreen) { t.pointRenderLoop(o); } } }, pointRenderLoop: function (o) { var t = this, m = NPos3d.Maths, i, p3a, p0, screenBounds, circleArgs; for (i = 0; i < o.transformedPointCache.length; i += 1) { //offset the points by the object's position p3a = o.transformedPointCache[i]; //if the depth of the point is not behind the camera... //and the depth of the point is closer than the far plane... if (p3a[2] < && p3a[2] > { p0 =; // min max screenBounds = [[,],[,]]; var p0InBounds = m.pointIn2dBounds([p0.x,p0.y],screenBounds); //If the line is completely off screen, do not bother rendering it. if (p0InBounds) { //console.log(p0.color); circleArgs = { pos: p0, pointScale: o.pointScale, pointStyle: o.pointStyle }; if (o.pointStyle === 'fill') { circleArgs.color = p0.color || o.shape.color || o.color || t.fillStyle; }else if (o.pointStyle === 'stroke') { circleArgs.color = p0.color || o.shape.color || o.color || t.strokeStyle; circleArgs.lineWidth = o.lineWidth || o.scene.lineWidth || 1; } t.renderInstructionList.push({ method: t.drawCircle, args: circleArgs, z: p3a[2] }); } } } }, add: NPos3d.addFunc, remove: NPos3d.removeFunc }; NPos3d.Camera = function (args) { var t = this, type = 'Camera'; args = args || {}; if(t.type !== type){throw 'You must use the `new` keyword when invoking the ' + type + ' constructor.';} if(!args.scene){throw 'You must provide a `scene` property when invoking the ' + type + ' constructor.';} NPos3d.blessWith3DBase(t, args); //Field Of View; Important! t.clipNear = args.clipNear || -0.01; t.clipFar = args.clipFar || -9001; t.frustumMultiplier = args.frustumMultiplier || 0.75; }; NPos3d.Camera.prototype = { type: 'Camera', update: function(){ var t = this; t.pos[2] = Math.max(t.scene.w, t.scene.h) * t.frustumMultiplier; // RECIPROCAL width / height of the frustum at ONE unit away from the camera // this arranges it so that it is exactly the right number of pixels where z=0, given where the camera is now }, project3Dto2D: function (p3) { var t = this, canvasDim = Math.max(t.scene.w, t.scene.h), scale = 1 / -p3[2], p2 = { x: (p3[0] * canvasDim * t.frustumMultiplier * scale), y: (p3[1] * canvasDim * t.frustumMultiplier * scale), scale: canvasDim * t.frustumMultiplier * scale, color: p3[3] || false }; return p2; } }; NPos3d.Geom = { //The only reason this isn't with the rest of the shapes is because I need to use it inside the prototype of ob3D cube: { points: [ [ 10, 10, 10], [ 10, 10,-10], [ 10,-10, 10], [ 10,-10,-10], [-10, 10, 10], [-10, 10,-10], [-10,-10, 10], [-10,-10,-10] ], lines: [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[3,1],[2,0],[7,5],[6,4],[5,1],[7,3],[4,0],[6,2]] }, axies: { points: [ [ 4, 0, 0,'#f00'], [32, 0, 0,'#f00'], [22, 6,-6,'#f00'], [22,-6, 6,'#f00'], [ 0, 4, 0,'#0f0'], [ 0,32, 0,'#0f0'], [ 6,22,-6,'#0f0'], [-6,22, 6,'#0f0'], [ 0, 0, 4,'#00f'], [ 0, 0,32,'#00f'], [-6, 6,22,'#00f'], [ 6,-6,22,'#00f'] ], lines: [ [0,1,'#f00'], [1,2,'#f00'], [1,3,'#f00'], [4,5,'#0f0'], [5,6,'#0f0'], [5,7,'#0f0'], [8,9,'#00f'], [9,10,'#00f'], [9,11,'#00f'] ] } }; NPos3d.blessWith3DBase = function (o,args) { var m = NPos3d.Maths; o.pos = args.pos || [0,0,0]; o.rot = args.rot || [0,0,0]; o.rotOrder = args.rotOrder || o.rotOrder || [0,1,2]; o.scale = args.scale || o.scale || [1,1,1]; o.gPos = o.pos.slice(); //global position o.gScale = o.scale.slice(); //global scale o.matrices = { localScale: m.makeMat4(), localRotation: m.makeMat4(), localComposite: m.makeMat4(), globalComposite: m.makeMat4() }; o.lastGlobalCompositeMatrixString = false; o.transformedPointCache = []; o.boundingBox = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]; o.shape = args.shape || o.shape; o.color = args.color || o.color ||undefined; o.renderAlways = args.renderAlways || o.renderAlways || false; o.renderStyle = args.renderStyle || o.renderStyle || 'lines';//points, both o.pointScale = args.pointScale || o.pointScale || 2; o.pointStyle = args.pointStyle || o.pointStyle || 'fill';//stroke o.lineWidth = args.lineWidth || undefined; o.scene = args.scene; o.expired = false; o.add = NPos3d.addFunc; o.remove = NPos3d.removeFunc; o.destroy = NPos3d.destroyFunc; o.render = NPos3d.renderFunc; o.getTransformedPoints = NPos3d.getTransformedPointsFunc; o.getWorldPosition = NPos3d.getWorldPositionFunc; o.updateMatrices = NPos3d.updateMatricesFunc; }; NPos3d.Ob3D = function (args) { var t = this, type = 'Ob3D'; if(t.type !== type){throw 'You must use the `new` keyword when invoking the ' + type + ' constructor.';} args = args || {}; NPos3d.blessWith3DBase(t,args); return this; }; NPos3d.Ob3D.prototype = { type: 'Ob3D', shape: NPos3d.Geom.cube, update: function () {} };