#!/bin/bash # Copyleft Christian Nilsson # Please do what you want! Use on your own risk and all that! # # This script partitions ${IDEV}, creates filesystem and installs gentoo. # Everything is done including the first reboot (just before reboot it will stop and let you edit the network configuration) # # root password will be set to SET_PASS parameter or "password" if not given # ssh server will be started on the live medium directly after the password have been set. # # Partitioning will be 100MB boot(ext2 or vfat if EFI) 4GB Swap and the rest root(ext4) on /dev/sda # # Hostname will be set to the same as the host # Keyboard layout will be configured to be swedish (sv-latin1) and timezone Europe/Stockholm (and ntp.se will be used as a timeserver) # # Make sure our root mountpoint exists mkdir -p /mnt/gentoo if [ -b /dev/nvme0n1 ]; then IDEV=${IDEV:-/dev/nvme0n1} NVMETOOLS=sys-apps/nvme-cli NVMEKERNEL=CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NVME=y fi IDEV=${IDEV:-/dev/sda} IDEVP=${IDEV} # if disk name ends with number, then partition is sepparated with p echo ${IDEV} | grep -q -e "[0-9]$" && IDEVP=${IDEV}p if [ "$(hostname)" == "livecd" ]; then echo Change hostname before you continue since it will be used for the created host. exit 1 fi #IF NOT SET_PASS is set then the password will be "password" SET_PASS=${SET_PASS:-password} set -x # Try to update to a correct system time ntpdate ntp.se & pid_ntp=$! echo "trying to grab Gentoo releng & infrastructure gpg key in the background ..." (gpg --locate-key releng@gentoo.org; gpg --locate-key infrastructure@gentoo.org) & pid_gpg=$! PLATFORM=pcbios boottype=83 bootmnt=/boot bootfstype=ext2 if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]; then PLATFORM=efi boottype=c bootmnt=/boot/efi bootfstype=vfat fi #Create a 100MB boot 4GB Swap and the rest root on ${IDEV} echo " p o n p +100M t L ${boottype} n p +4G t 2 82 n p t 3 83 n p w " | fdisk ${IDEV} || exit 1 # Wait a bit for the dust to settle on the new devices sleep 1 #we should detect and use md if we multiple disks with same size... #sfdisk -d ${IDEV} | sfdisk --force /dev/sdb || exit 1 #for a in /dev/md*; do mdadm -S $a; done #mdadm --help #mdadm -C --help #mdadm -Cv /dev/md1 -l1 -n2 /dev/sd[ab]1 --metadata=0.90 || exit 1 #mdadm -Cv /dev/md3 -l1 -n2 /dev/sd[ab]3 --metadata=0.90 || exit 1 #mdadm -Cv /dev/md4 -l4 -n3 /dev/sd[ab]4 missing --metadata=0.90 || exit 1 mkswap -L swap0 ${IDEVP}2 || exit 1 #mkswap -L swap1 /dev/sdb2 || exit 1 swapon -p1 ${IDEVP}2 || exit 1 mkfs.${bootfstype} ${IDEVP}1 || exit 1 mkfs.ext4 ${IDEVP}3 || exit 1 #cat /proc/mdstat mount ${IDEVP}3 /mnt/gentoo -o discard,noatime || exit 1 mkdir -p /mnt/gentoo${bootmnt} || exit 1 mount ${IDEVP}1 /mnt/gentoo${bootmnt} || exit 1 # wait to make sure ntpdate is done wait $pid_ntp cd /mnt/gentoo || exit 1 #cleanup in case of previous try... [ -f "*.tar.{bz2,xz,sqfs}" ] && rm *.tar.{bz2,xz,sqfs} DISTMIRROR=http://distfiles.gentoo.org wget ${DISTMIRROR}/snapshots/squashfs/gentoo-current.xz.sqfs & wget ${DISTMIRROR}/snapshots/squashfs/sha512sum.txt DISTBASE=${DISTMIRROR}/releases/amd64/autobuilds/current-install-amd64-minimal/ FILE=$(wget -q $DISTBASE -O - | grep -o -E 'stage3-amd64-openrc-20\w*\.tar\.(bz2|xz)' | uniq) [ -z "$FILE" ] && echo No stage3 found on $DISTBASE && exit 1 echo download latest stage file $FILE wget $DISTBASE$FILE || bash wget $DISTBASE$FILE.DIGESTS || bash wait $pid_gpg gpg --verify $FILE.DIGESTS || bash echo "Verifying stage3 SHA512 ..." # grab SHA512 lines and line after, then filter out line that ends with iso echo "$(grep -A1 SHA512 $FILE.DIGESTS | grep $FILE\$)" | sha512sum -c || bash echo " - Awesome! stage3 verification looks good." rm $FILE.DIGESTS time tar xpf $FILE --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner wait || exit 1 gpg --verify sha512sum.txt || bash echo "Verifying snapshot SHA512 ..." echo "$(grep gentoo-current.xz.sqfs sha512sum.txt)" | sha512sum -c || bash echo " - Awesome! snapshot verification looks good." rm sha512sum.txt mkdir -p var/db/repos/gentoo && \ mount -rt squashfs -o loop,nodev,noexec gentoo-current.xz.sqfs var/db/repos/gentoo || bash rm $FILE cp /etc/resolv.conf etc # make sure we are done with root unpack... echo "# Set to the hostname of this machine hostname=\"$(hostname)\" " > etc/conf.d/hostname #change fstab to match disk layout echo -e " ${IDEVP}1 ${bootmnt} ${bootfstype} noauto,noatime 1 2 ${IDEVP}3 / ext4 discard,noatime 0 1 LABEL=swap0 none swap sw 0 0 none /var/tmp tmpfs size=4G,nr_inodes=1M 0 0 " >> etc/fstab sed -i '/\/dev\/BOOT.*/d' etc/fstab sed -i '/\/dev\/ROOT.*/d' etc/fstab sed -i '/\/dev\/SWAP.*/d' etc/fstab for p in sys dev proc; do mount /$p $p -o bind; done || exit 1 MAKECONF=etc/portage/make.conf [ ! -f $MAKECONF ] && [ -f etc/make.conf ] && MAKECONF=etc/make.conf echo $MAKECONF # CPU_FLAGS_X86 should be handled but must be done inside chroot, see below #Updating Makefile echo >> $MAKECONF echo "# add valid -march= to CFLAGS" >> $MAKECONF echo "MAKEOPTS=\"-j$(nproc)\"" >> $MAKECONF echo "FEATURES=\"parallel-fetch buildpkg\"" >> $MAKECONF # tty-helpers is needed py apcupsd echo "USE=\"\${USE} -X qemu gnutls idn iproute2 logrotate snmp tty-helpers\"" >> $MAKECONF grep -q autoinstall /proc/cmdline || nano $MAKECONF echo "keymap=\"sv-latin1\"" >> etc/conf.d/keymaps echo "rc_logger=\"YES\"" >> etc/rc.conf echo "rc_sys=\"\"" >> etc/rc.conf echo " # https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Netifrc/Brctl_Migration config_br0=\"dhcp\" bridge_br0=\"eth0\" bridge_forward_delay_br0=0 bridge_stp_state_br0=0 dhcp_br0=\"nodns nontp nonis nosendhost\" #config_br0=\"\" #routes_br0=\"default via\" config_eth0="null" rc_net_br0_need="net.eth0" config_eth1=\"null\" bridge_br1=\"eth1\" config_br1=\"\" bridge_forward_delay_br1=0 bridge_stp_state_br1=0 vlans_eth1=\"101 120 140\" config_eth1_101=\"null\" config_eth1_120=\"\" config_eth1_140=\"\" tuntap_vpnUA=\"tap\" #keep same MAC mac_vpnUA=\"00:14:0A:01:64:65\" rc_before_vpnUA=\"openvpn.vpnua\" config_vpnUA=\"\" routes_vpnUA=\" via\" " >> etc/conf.d/net #generate chroot script cat > chrootstart.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash env-update source /etc/profile # do some dance around to be able to set password cp /etc/pam.d/system-auth system-auth.bak sed -i 's/^password/#password/' /etc/pam.d/system-auth echo 'password required pam_unix.so' >> /etc/pam.d/system-auth echo "root:${SET_PASS}" | chpasswd mv system-auth.bak /etc/pam.d/system-auth set -x mount /var/tmp # ensure portage tree emerge-webrsync -v # fix for new mtab init ln -snf /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab [ -d /etc/portage/repos.conf ] || mkdir -p /etc/portage/repos.conf [ -d /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords ] || mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords [ -d /etc/portage/package.use ] || mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.use [ -d /etc/portage/package.mask ] || mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.mask grep -q gentoo-sources /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/* || echo sys-kernel/gentoo-sources > /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/kernel & grep -q net-dns/bind /etc/portage/package.use/* || echo net-dns/bind dlz idn caps threads >> /etc/portage/package.use/bind & # The old udev rules are removed and now replaced with the PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames madness instead, and no use flags any more. # Will have to revert to the old way of removing the files on boot/shutdown, and just hope they don't change the naming. # Looks like udev is just getting worse and worse, switching to eudev. # touch to disable the unpredictable "PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames" touch /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules & # they made it unpredictable and changed the name, so lets be future prof touch /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules & grep -q sys-apps/systemd-utils /etc/portage/package.use/* || echo sys-apps/systemd-utils -udev >> /etc/portage/package.use/eudev grep -q sys-fs/eudev /etc/portage/package.use/* || echo sys-fs/eudev hwdb gudev keymap -rule-generator >> /etc/portage/package.use/eudev # mask old udev so it is not pulled in. echo sys-fs/udev >> /etc/portage/package.mask/udev & emerge -C --quiet-unmerge-warn sys-fs/udev & # will reinstall eudev further down after kernel sources, don't add this to world file time emerge -uvN1 -j8 --keep-going y portage gentoolkit cpuid2cpuflags || bash time emerge -uvN1 -j2 sys-apps/systemd-utils sys-fs/eudev || bash #snmp support in current apcupsd is buggy grep -q sys-power/apcupsd /etc/portage/package.use/* || echo sys-power/apcupsd -snmp >> /etc/portage/package.use/apcupsd [[ ! -z "${NVMETOOLS}" ]] && (grep -q nvme /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/* || echo ${NVMETOOLS} > /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/nvme) & #add new CPU_FLAGS_X86 echo "*/* \$(cpuid2cpuflags)" > /etc/portage/package.use/00cpuflags #start out with being up2date #we expect that this can fail time emerge -uv1N -j2 openssl openssh time emerge -uvDN -j4 --keep-going y world --exclude gcc glibc etc-update --automode -5 time revdep-rebuild -vi -- -j4 etc-update --automode -5 [ -f /etc/portage/package.mask/gentoo.conf ] || cp /usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf time emerge -uv -j8 gentoo-sources mlocate postfix iproute2 bind bind-tools dhcp atftp dhcpcd app-misc/mc pciutils usbutils smartmontools syslog-ng virtual/cron ntp lsof ${NVMETOOLS} || bash mkdir /tftproot # reinstall eudev, TODO detect if we did switch above and only install if needed time emerge -uvN -j8 eudev time emerge -uv -j8 iptables grub ebtables vconfig || bash lspci ntpdate ntp.se #rerun make sure up2date time emerge -uvDN -j4 world --exclude gcc glibc || bash etc-update --automode -5 time revdep-rebuild -vi -- -j4 etc-update --automode -5 eselect kernel set 1 cd /usr/src/linux #getting a base kernel config wget https://raw.github.com/ASoft-se/Gentoo-HAI/master/krn330.conf -O .config echo " # Gentoo Linux CONFIG_GENTOO_LINUX=y CONFIG_GENTOO_LINUX_UDEV=y CONFIG_GENTOO_LINUX_INIT_SCRIPT=y #fix hotplug (vmware) CONFIG_HOTPLUG_PCI_SHPC=y #no use for sound in virtual machine CONFIG_SOUND=n #scsi support vmware but also intel sas card CONFIG_FUSION=y CONFIG_FUSION_SPI=y CONFIG_FUSION_FC=y CONFIG_FUSION_SAS=y CONFIG_FUSION_CTL=y #vmware -only- scsi CONFIG_VMWARE_PVSCSI=y CONFIG_SCSI_BUSLOGIC=y CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2=y CONFIG_I2C_PIIX4=y #vmware ensure network CONFIG_VMXNET3=m CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_AMD=y CONFIG_PCNET32=m CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_INTEL=y CONFIG_E1000=y CONFIG_E1000E=y CONFIG_NLMON=y #KVM/XEN Virtio CONFIG_VIRTIO=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK_SCSI=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_INPUT=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO=m #ups support... CONFIG_HIDRAW=m CONFIG_HIDRAW=y #iotop stuff CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING=y CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT=y CONFIG_TASKSTATS=y CONFIG_VM_EVENT_COUNTERS=y #qemu kvm_stat need CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y # use old vesa, vga= mode CONFIG_FB_VESA=y # and make uvesafb a module instead CONFIG_FB_UVESA=m # make sure the kernel supports EFI boot CONFIG_EFI_STUB=y CONFIG_FB_EFI=y # New Netfilter (to get iptables nat working) CONFIG_NF_TABLES=m CONFIG_NFT_MASQ=m CONFIG_NFT_REDIR=m CONFIG_NFT_NAT=m CONFIG_NFT_COMPAT=m CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_NAT=m CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_REDIRECT=m CONFIG_NF_TABLES_IPV4=m CONFIG_NFT_CHAIN_ROUTE_IPV4=m CONFIG_NF_NAT_IPV4=m CONFIG_NFT_CHAIN_NAT_IPV4=m CONFIG_NF_NAT_MASQUERADE_IPV4=m CONFIG_NFT_MASQ_IPV4=m CONFIG_NFT_REDIR_IPV4=m CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT=m CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_MASQUERADE=m CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REDIRECT=m CONFIG_NF_TABLES_IPV6=m CONFIG_NFT_CHAIN_ROUTE_IPV6=m # if we have nvme hardware ${NVMEKERNEL} # Serial console CONFIG_SERIAL_8250=y CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE=y CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DEPRECATED_OPTIONS=n " >> .config # v86d is dead so remove its initramfs sed -i 's#/usr/share/v86d/initramfs##' .config echo "x y " | make menuconfig time make -j$(($(nproc)*2)) bzImage modules && make modules_install install || bash ls -lh /boot cd /boot ln -s vmlinuz-* vmlinuz && cd /usr/src/linux && make install ls -lh /boot grub-install /dev/sda sed -i '/\^//' /etc/default/grub sed -i 's/^#GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=[a-z]*/GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true/' /etc/default/grub sed -i 's/^#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="rootfstype=ext4 panic=30 vga=791"/' /etc/default/grub sed -i 's/^#*GRUB_TIMEOUT=[0-9]+/GRUB_TIMEOUT=3/' /etc/default/grub grep -q console= /proc/cmdline && sed -i 's/ vga=791/ console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200/' /etc/default/grub grep -q console= /proc/cmdline && sed -i 's/^#GRUB_TERMINAL=.*/GRUB_TERMINAL="console serial"/' /etc/default/grub grep -q console= /proc/cmdline && echo 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200 --unit=0"' >> /etc/default/grub # enable in inittab grep -q console= /proc/cmdline && sed -i 's/^#s0:/s0:/' /etc/inittab grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg cd /etc ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Stockholm localtime touch /lib64/rc/init.d/softlevel #make sure everything is up2date sed -i 's/^#CHROOT=/CHROOT=/' /etc/conf.d/named emerge --config net-dns/bind # fix some possibly missing files #51 just in case # should be fixed in https://bugs.gentoo.org/793860 by gentoo/gentoo@6e8faaad077caf9048e2c5a132ddade0b0b316aa [ -e /chroot/dns/dev/urandom ] || cp -a /dev/urandom /chroot/dns/dev/ find /chroot/dns #TODO sed fix syslog unix-stream("/chroot/dns/dev/log"); sed -i 's/^# DHCPD_CHROOT=/DHCPD_CHROOT=/' /etc/conf.d/dhcpd #TODO syslog unix-stream("...dhcp"); dispatch-conf #todo fix with sed ... but virtual machine dont save clock ;) #mcedit /etc/conf.d/hwclock #touch /lib64/rc/init.d/softlevel #/etc/init.d/hwclock save sed -i 's/^c1:12345:respawn:\/sbin\/agetty .* tty1 linux\$/& --noclear/' /etc/inittab || bash cd /etc/init.d ln -s net.lo net.eth0 ln -s net.lo net.br0 rc-update add syslog-ng default rc-update add *cron* default rc-update add atftp default sed -i 's/^#PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config rc-update add sshd default /etc/init.d/sshd gen_keys # Start creating fix script echo # Remove udev rules that make network interface names compleatly unpredictable and unmanagable. > /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.start echo setterm -blank 0 >> /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.start echo rm -rf /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules >> /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.start # Make it executable, and run also on shutdown chmod a+x /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.start ln -fs /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.start /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.stop rc-update add local default # run it now and add clean exit (rm will fail if there is no file so always exit with ok) sh /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.start echo exit 0 >> /etc/local.d/remove.net.rules.start sed -i 's/^smtp.*inet/#&/' /etc/postfix/master.cf rc-update add postfix default echo root: root@asoft.se >> /etc/mail/aliases newaliases # TODO detect if username should be included or not #sed -i 's/\troot\t/\t/' /etc/crontab echo -e "*/30 * * * *\troot\tntpdate -s ntp.se" >> /etc/crontab crontab /etc/crontab rc-update add named default sleep 5 || bash # fix problem with apcupsd... [ -d /run/lock ] || mkdir /run/lock emerge -uv -j8 net-snmp vsftpd dev-vcs/git php openvpn apcupsd iotop iftop ddrescue tcpdump nmap netkit-telnetd dmidecode hdparm parted || bash # move to git based portage tree umount /var/db/repos/gentoo rm /gentoo-current.xz.sqfs sed -i 's#sync-type = rsync#sync-type = git#' /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf sed -i 's#sync-uri = rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage#sync-uri = git://anongit.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git#' /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf cd /var/db/repos/gentoo/ git clone --depth 1 git://anongit.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git -n && mv gentoo/.git . git checkout -f git clean -d -x -f -q chown -R portage:portage . #if some lingring unexpected files are left behind remove it rmdir gentoo emerge --sync #todo if local ups... rc-update add apcupsd.powerfail shutdown #todo configure snmp and add to startup #todo... if vmware emerge open-vm-tools? #mcedit /etc/rc.conf grep -q autoinstall /proc/cmdline || mcedit /etc/conf.d/net rc-update add net.br0 default #sleep 5 || bash umount /var/tmp EOF chmod a+x chrootstart.sh time chroot . ./chrootstart.sh rm chrootstart.sh umount var/tmp rm -rf var/tmp/* rm -rf var/cache/distfiles umount * cd / ## umount somehow fails recently, but can not find usage, lets go lazy umount -l /mnt/gentoo || exit 1 # halt in QEMU guest instead of reboot to messure and autohandle on vm shutdown grep -q setupdonehalt /proc/cmdline && halt || reboot