[buildout] extends = http://good-py.appspot.com/release/plone.app.z3cform/0.5-next http://dist.plone.org/release/4.1-latest/versions.cfg http://good-py.appspot.com/release/dexterity/1.2.1?plone=4.1.6 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4teamwork/ftw-buildouts/master/test-package.cfg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4teamwork/ftw-buildouts/master/test-versions.cfg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4teamwork/ftw-buildouts/master/test-versions-plone-4.cfg jenkins_python = $PYTHON26 [test] eggs += five.globalrequest Products.PloneHotfix20130618 Products.PloneHotfix20121106 Pillow # plone.app.testing now imports from Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow, which # is often not installed because no explicity dependency is declared. # We now always install the Plone egg in order to have the full Plone stack ready. # https://github.com/plone/plone.app.upgrade/commit/b6a0f6e8865e94b53ff9f7f68385774fa7d5ab02 Plone [versions] # With Plone 4.1 we need collective.js.jqueryui < 1.9 collective.js.jqueryui = # plone.testing <= 4.0.3 is not compatible with the Products.PloneHotfix20130618 # This is the fix: https://github.com/plone/plone.testing/commit/715fbd281923868bf830a1d2ee17e5d2f8f437e1 plone.testing = 4.0.4 # six is used by zope.testrunner and 1.5.1 tries to import from tkinter. # use 1.4.1 for now. six = 1.4.1 # geopy >= 1 is no longer python 2.6 compatible # (osm.py uses {}-set-syntax) geopy = <1 # Pillow >= 4.0.0 is no longer python 2.6 compatible Pillow = < 4.0.0 # paths.py >= 9.0 is no longer python 2.6 compatible path.py = < 9.0 # mocker 1.1 is no longer existing mocker = 1.1.1