[[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/dein.vim' [[plugins]] repo = 'delphinus/vim-auto-cursorline' hook_add = ''' let g:auto_cursorline_wait_ms = 4000 ''' [plugins.ftplugin] qf = ''' let b:auto_cursorline_disabled = v:true ''' molder = ''' let b:auto_cursorline_disabled = v:true ''' ddu-ff = ''' let b:auto_cursorline_disabled = v:true ''' ddu-ff-filter = ''' let b:auto_cursorline_disabled = v:true ''' fern = ''' let b:auto_cursorline_disabled = v:true ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'itchyny/vim-highlighturl' [[plugins]] repo = 'itchyny/vim-parenmatch' # TODO: send PR to the repository to use instead 'hi def Group' instead of 'hi Group' # autocmd vimrc ColorScheme * hi link ParenMatch MatchParen [[plugins]] repo = 'lambdalisue/guise.vim' depends = ['denops.vim'] hook_add = ''' let g:guise_edit_opener = 'vsplit' ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'lambdalisue/mr.vim' [[plugins]] repo = 'mattn/vim-molder' [plugins.ftplugin] molder = ''' setlocal nolist nospell nnoremap (molder-reload)set nohlsearch nnoremap q q nnoremap R \ printf('edit %s', system('git rev-parse --show-toplevel')) nnoremap . \ printf('edit %s', getcwd()) nnoremap j \ line('.') == line('$') ? 'gg' : 'j' nnoremap k \ line('.') == 1 ? 'G' : 'k' ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'mattn/vim-molder-operations' [plugins.ftplugin] molder = ''' nnoremap dd (molder-operations-delete) nnoremap r (molder-operations-rename) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'rafamadriz/friendly-snippets' [[plugins]] repo = 'roxma/vim-tmux-clipboard' if = '!has("gui_running")' [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-denops/denops.vim' hook_add = ''' let g:denops_server_addr = '' ''' # autocmd vimrc User DenopsProcessStarted call denops#plugin#check_type() [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-jp/vimdoc-ja' type__depth = 1