*dotfiles.txt* My vim configuration files references Author: Hibiki License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/4513ECHO/dotfiles Last change: 2023 Aug 15 ============================================================================== CONTENTS *dotfiles-contents* Introduction |dotfiles-introdution| Interface |dotfiles-interface| Color Scheme |dotfiles-colorscheme| Commands |dotfiles-commands| Mappings |dotfiles-mappings| Directory Structure |directory-structure| Dark Powered |dark-powered| About |dotfiles-about| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *dotfiles-introdution* *dotfiles* is my vim configuration files. ============================================================================== INTERFACE *dotfiles-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLOR SCHEME *dotfiles-colorscheme* Unlet |g:terminal_ansi_colors|, `g:terminal_color_x` (See |terminal-config|) in |ColorSchemePre| autocmd. Following color schemes are available with |:ColorScheme|: > apprentice aquarium ayu candy carbonfox challenger_deep cocoa deep-space dogrun dracula duskfox edge elly embark falcon felipec github gotham gruvbit gruvbox gruvbox-material hatsunemiku hybrid hydrangea iceberg jellybeans kanagawa lighthaus melange miramare molokai momiji monokai_pro night-owl nightfly nightfox nord nordfox OceanicNext one onedark onehalfdark orbital palenight reliquiae rigel sacredforest snazzy snow solarized8 spaceduck spring-night srcery stellarized tender terafox tokyonight two-firewatch urara vadelma vitaminonec wombat256mod yash yowish zengarden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMANDS *dotfiles-commands* :RTP *:RTP* Output the value of 'runtimepath' human-friendly. :ColorScheme[!] *:ColorScheme* Output the name of the currently active |colorscheme|. If bang exists, this will reload the current colorscheme and output nothing. :ColorScheme {name} Load color scheme {name} more conveniently. This also effects |g:lightline.colorscheme| automatically. :RandomColorScheme *:RandomColorScheme* Load color scheme randomly from definitions. :WWW {what} *:WWW* Search {what} in |terminal| window using "w3m". This uses |termopen()| in Neovim, |term_start()| in Vim. :MiniNote [{filetype}] *:MiniNote* Open scratch buffer. :DeinUpdateMine *:DeinUpdateMine* Call |dein#update()| for the plugins developed by me (4513ECHO). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAPPINGS *dotfiles-mappings* *dotfiles-mapleader* || is "`,`". Y *dotfiles-Y* This is same as `y$`. This traces |default-mappings| of Neovim. CTRL-L *dotfiles-CTRL-L* [Space]w *SPACE-w* [Space]W *SPACE-W* [Space]f *SPACE-f* ^ *dotfiles-^* This is same as |CTRL-^|, just a shortcut for it. ============================================================================== DIRECTORY STRUCTURE *directory-structure* > after/ autoload/ dein/ dein/settings/ denops/ doc/ ftdetect/ lua/ rc/ snippets/ template/ See also 'runtimepath' option. `after/`, `autoload/`, `doc/`, `ftdetect/` and `lua/` (only in Neovim) are used for default feature. `dein/` contains TOML files to use with |dein-toml|. `dein/settings/` contains specific plugins settings. `denops/` contains TypeScript files for |denops.vim|, especially used for |ddu-sources|. ============================================================================== DARK POWERED *dark-powered* Here is mean of "dark powered" in Shougo wares (e.g. |dein|, |ddc|, |ddu|) This section is moved from |deoplete-faq-general|. (https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim/blob/33ed4fa0/doc/deoplete.txt#L1966) Q: What means "dark powered"? A: I think text editor is everything in the world. I want to do everything in Vim(neovim) like Emacs. It is not allowed by |design-not| in Vim. It is not the light way to use Vim. So I have defined it as the dark way. I am the dark Vimmer. My plugins are dark powered. ============================================================================== ABOUT *dotfiles-about* |dotfiles| is developed by Hibiki(4513ECHO) and licensed under the MIT License. Visit the project page for the latest version: https://github.com/4513ECHO/dotfiles ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: