import { BaseConfig, type ConfigArguments, } from "jsr:@shougo/ddu-vim@^5.0.0/config"; import { ActionFlags, type DduItem, type DduOptions, } from "jsr:@shougo/ddu-vim@^5.0.0/types"; import { type Params as UiFFParams, Ui as UiFF, } from "jsr:@shougo/ddu-ui-ff@^1.2.0"; import type { ActionData as GitStatusActionData } from ""; import type { Data as GitDiffItemData } from ""; import type { Denops } from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.1"; import * as autocmd from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.1/autocmd"; import * as batch from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.1/batch"; import * as lambda from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.1/lambda"; import * as vars from "jsr:@denops/std@^7.0.1/variable"; import { is } from "jsr:@core/unknownutil@^3.18.1"; import * as u from "jsr:@core/unknownutil@^3.18.1"; import { sprintf } from "jsr:@std/fmt@^1.0.0-rc.1/printf"; import { join } from "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.2/join"; import { equal } from "jsr:@std/assert@^1.0.0/equal"; type GitDiffItem = DduItem & { data: GitDiffItemData }; async function onColorScheme(denops: Denops): Promise { // NOTE: eob of 'fillchars' is annoying const bgcolorObj = u.ensure( await"nvim_get_hl", 0, { name: "Normal" }), is.ObjectOf({ bg: is.OptionalOf(is.Number) }), ); const bgcolor = sprintf("#%06x", ?? 0x000000); await"nvim_set_hl", 0, "DduEndOfBuffer", { foreground: bgcolor, background: bgcolor, }); } async function applySyntax(denops: Denops): Promise { const { sources } = u.ensure( await"ddu#custom#get_current"), is.ObjectOf({ sources: is.ArrayOf(is.ObjectOf({ name: is.String })) }), ); for (const source of sources) { switch ( { case "quickfix": await denops.cmd("setlocal syntax=qf"); return; case "command_history": await batch.batch(denops, async (denops) => { if ( === "nvim") { await denops.cmd("lua vim.treesitter.start(nil, 'vim')"); await autocmd.define( denops, "WinClosed", "", "lua vim.treesitter.stop()", { group: "vimrc-ddu", once: true }, ); } else { await denops.cmd("setlocal syntax=vim"); } }); return; } } } const names = ["rg_live", "gin_action", "startmenu"]; async function startFilterAuto(denops: Denops): Promise { const [filetype, name] = await batch.collect(denops, (denops) => [ denops.eval("&filetype"),"getbufvar", "", "ddu_ui_name", ""), ]) as [string, string]; if (filetype === "ddu-ff" && names.includes(name)) { await"ddu#ui#async_action", "openFilterWindow"); } } async function markSelectedItems(denops: Denops): Promise { const [buffer, items, selectedItems] = await batch.collect( denops, (denops) => ["bufnr"),"ddu#ui#get_items"), // NOTE: Use raw value to avoid including the current item"getbufvar", "", "ddu_ui_selected_items", []), ], ) as [number, DduItem[], DduItem[]]; if (!items) { return; } const lnumsToPlace = => items.findIndex((item) => equal(item, selected)) + 1 ); await batch.batch(denops, async (denops) => { await"sign_unplace", "*", { buffer }); if (lnumsToPlace.length < 1 || lnumsToPlace[0] === 0) { return; } await "sign_placelist", => ({ buffer, lnum, name: "ddu-ff-selected", })), ); }); } export class Config extends BaseConfig { override async config(args: ConfigArguments): Promise { const defaultUiFFParams = new UiFF().params(); const hasNvim = === "nvim"; args.setAlias("source", "file_git", "file_external"); args.setAlias("source", "mrr", "mr"); args.setAlias("source", "mrw", "mr"); args.contextBuilder.patchGlobal({ actionOptions: { do: { quit: false }, }, filterParams: { matcher_fzf: { highlightMatched: "Search", }, }, kindOptions: { action: { defaultAction: "do" }, colorscheme: { defaultAction: "set" }, command_history: { defaultAction: "edit" }, dein_update: { defaultAction: "viewDiff" }, file: { defaultAction: "open" }, git_status: { defaultAction: "open", actions: { chaperon: async (args) => { await batch.batch(args.denops, async (denops) => { for (const item of args.items) { const action = item.action as GitStatusActionData; await denops.cmd("GinChaperon " + action.path); } }); return ActionFlags.None; }, diff: (args) => { const action = args.items[0].action as GitStatusActionData; const path = join(action.worktree, action.path); args.denops.dispatcher.start( { name: "git_diff_current", sourceOptions: { _: { path } }, sourceParams: { _: u.maybe(args.actionParams, is.Record) ?? {}, }, } satisfies Partial, ); return ActionFlags.None; }, patch: async (args) => { await batch.batch(args.denops, async (denops) => { for (const item of args.items) { const action = item.action as GitStatusActionData; await denops.cmd( "GinPatch ++opener=tabedit ++no-head " + action.path, ); } }); return ActionFlags.None; }, }, }, help: { defaultAction: "open" }, lsp: { defaultAction: "open" }, lsp_codeAction: { defaultAction: "apply" }, "nvim-notify": { defaultAction: "open" }, readme_viewer: { defaultAction: "open" }, source: { defaultAction: "execute" }, tag: { defaultAction: "jump" }, url: { defaultAction: "open" }, word: { defaultAction: "append" }, }, sourceOptions: { _: { ignoreCase: true, matchers: ["matcher_fzf"], sorters: ["sorter_fzf"], }, action: { matchers: ["matcher_action", "matcher_fzf"], }, dein_update: { matchers: ["matcher_dein_update"], }, file: { defaultAction: "narrow" }, ghq: { defaultAction: "cd" }, gin_action: { defaultAction: "execute" }, git_status: { converters: ["converter_git_status"], }, source: { matchers: ["matcher_source", "matcher_fzf"], }, colorscheme: { matchers: ["matcher_colorscheme", "matcher_fzf"], }, }, sourceParams: { ghq: { display: "relative" }, file_git: { cmd: ["git", "ls-files", "-co", "--exclude-standard"], }, mrr: { kind: "mrr" }, mrw: { kind: "mrw" }, rg: { args: ["--json"], highlights: { path: "Directory", lineNr: "LineNr", word: "Search", }, }, }, ui: "ff", uiOptions: { ff: { actions: { updateLightline: async (args) => { await"lightline#update"); return ActionFlags.Persist; }, }, }, }, uiParams: { ff: { autoAction: { name: "preview", }, exprParams: defaultUiFFParams.exprParams.concat("floatingTitle"), floatingBorder: "rounded", floatingTitle: "sources->join(', ')", highlights: { floating: "Normal,EndOfBuffer:DduEndOfBuffer,SignColumn:Normal", floatingBorder: "Identifier", selected: "Visual", }, maxHighlightItems: 200, previewFloating: hasNvim, previewFloatingBorder: "rounded", previewSplit: "vertical", previewHeight: hasNvim ? "&lines / 3 * 2" : "&lines / 2", previewWidth: hasNvim ? "&columns / 3" : "&columns / 2", prompt: ">", split: hasNvim ? "floating" : "horizontal", statusline: false, winCol: "&columns / 6", winRow: "&lines / 6", winHeight: hasNvim ? "&lines / 3 * 2" : "&lines / 2", winWidth: "&columns / 3 * 2", } satisfies Partial, }, }); args.contextBuilder.patchLocal("rg_live", { sources: [{ name: "rg", options: { matchers: [], volatile: true, }, }], uiParams: { ff: { ignoreEmpty: false, autoResize: false, } satisfies Partial, }, }); args.contextBuilder.patchLocal("UBA", { sources: [{ name: "colorscheme" }], actionOptions: { set: { quit: false }, }, uiParams: { ff: { autoAction: { name: "itemAction" }, startAutoAction: true, } satisfies Partial, }, }); args.contextBuilder.patchLocal("codeAction", { sources: [{ name: "lsp_codeAction" }], uiParams: { ff: { autoAction: { name: "preview" }, startAutoAction: true, } satisfies Partial, }, }); args.contextBuilder.patchLocal("gin_action", { sources: [{ name: "gin_action" }], }); args.contextBuilder.patchLocal("git_diff_current", { sources: [{ name: "git_diff", params: { unifiedContext: 0, onlyFile: true, }, options: { actions: { currentHunk: async (args) => { const [lnum, currentItem, items] = await batch.collect( args.denops, (denops) => ["line", "."),"ddu#ui#get_item"),"ddu#ui#get_items"), ], ) as [number, GitDiffItem, GitDiffItem[]]; if (lnum < 3) { return ActionFlags.None; } const [{ nlinum }] =; const searchItem = items.slice(2).find((item) => item.word.startsWith("@@") && => line.nlinum === nlinum) ); if (searchItem) { await args.denops.dispatcher.redraw( "git_diff_current", { searchItem }, ); } return ActionFlags.None; }, currentLine: async (args) => { const [lnum, items] = await batch.collect( args.denops, (denops) => ["line", ".", args.context.winId),"ddu#ui#get_items"), ], ) as [number, GitDiffItem[]]; const searchItem = items.slice(2).find((item) => !item.word.startsWith("@@") &&{ nlinum }) => nlinum === lnum) ); if (searchItem) { await args.denops.dispatcher.redraw( "git_diff_current", { searchItem }, ); } else { await "ddu#util#print_error", "Current line has not changed", ); } return ActionFlags.None; }, }, }, }], actionOptions: { currentHunk: { quit: false }, currentLine: { quit: false }, }, uiParams: { ff: { maxHighlightItems: 300, } satisfies Partial, }, }); args.contextBuilder.patchLocal("file_tree", { sources: [{ name: "file" }], uiParams: { ff: { displayTree: true, } satisfies Partial, }, }); args.contextBuilder.patchLocal("startmenu", { sources: [{ name: "source" }], }); await vars.g.set( args.denops, "ddu_source_lsp_clientName", hasNvim ? "nvim-lsp" : "vim-lsp", ); await"sign_define", [ { name: "ddu-ff-selected", text: "*", texthl: "Visual" }, ]); hasNvim && await onColorScheme(args.denops); const notify = (callback: (denops: Denops) => Promise) => "call " + lambda.add(args.denops, () => callback(args.denops)).notify(); await, "vimrc-ddu", (helper) => { helper.remove("*"); hasNvim && helper.define("ColorScheme", "*", notify(onColorScheme)); helper.define("FileType", "ddu-ff", notify(applySyntax)); helper.define("User", "Ddu:uiDone", notify(startFilterAuto)); helper.define("User", "Ddu:redraw", notify(markSelectedItems)); }); } }