* DEFPACKAGE add (:local-nickname ( )+) where nickname and real-name are package designators REAL-NAME is always looked up in the global namespace, so NICKNAME and REAL-NAME can be the same (not particularly usefully though) NICKNAME can shadow names of other packages ISSUE: should the syntax be ( +) instead? to allow defining multiple nicknames of a particular package at once ISSUE: is :local-nickname a good name? -- cl-package-aliases uses :alias, but has different semantics (no shadowing) so probably better to avoid that -- might be better to use something that is more obvious that it shadows global names? : ISSUE: should REAL-NAME be required to name a package when defpackage is evaluated? ISSUE: can local nicknames be used as package designator within the same defpackage form? if so, does it affect whole form? probably does, since DEFPACKAGE CLHS says order of options is irrelevant, so just add defining local nicknames as step before :shadowing-import-from (so also before :use and :import-from) -- :USEing a package that also has a nickname seems a bit pointless, but unless it causes a problem somewhere probably shouldn't be disallowed, so might as well allow :use by nickname if -from options accept it as well ISSUE: can nicknames shadow full names of packages? -- probably, depends on how print/read stuff is resolved ISSUE: can nicknames shadow full name of real-name of other nicknames? -- probably, but a less limiting constraint that forbidding any shadowing of full names, in the case that symbols are printed with full-names -- if they can't, creating a new package would have to check for conflicts with existing aliases and signal an error ISSUE: redefinition of package with changed nickname list (probably should signal an error, or at least be documented as undefined behavior (included in the 'stuff you shouldn't change between compile and runtime' list in, symbol #2) ISSUE: possibly add an option to ignore the standard :nicknames option? -- might be useful when loading old libraries that define conflicting nicknames? might tend to break things more often than it helps, since the old libraries might depend on the nicknames being there anyway... ISSUE: if *PACKAGE* has nicknames when defpackage is evaluated, should defpackage ignore those nicknames? ISSUE: are "CL" and "COMMON-LISP" valid nicknames? ISSUE: what about "KEYWORD"? if keyword is valid, should it affect :foo syntax? ** exceptional situations *** signal an error (TODO: type of error?) when args can't be parsed (no args is OK though?) *** signal error (TODO: type?) when same name is given for multiple nicknames (ISSUE:should duplicated nickname+real-name pairs be allowed?) (multiple different nicknames for 1 package is OK though) * FIND-PACKAGE if *PACKAGE* is bound and has locally defined nicknames, check those before global package namespace if a local nickname is found, look up the corresponding real-name in the global namespace if no *package*, no local nicknames in *package*, or no match for requested name in local nicknames, look up requested name in global namespace as per CLHS ISSUE: some way to look up name in global namespace ignoring local nicknames? ** exceptional situations *** signal an error (TODO: type of error?) when name matches a local nickname but real-name does not name a package in global namespace * PRINT/READ may need to print out symbols using local nicknames? (similarly to printing out symbols in *package* without package prefix) if another nickname shadows the real name of the symbol's package, printing it with the full name won't work might need to print symbols with a global nickname if global name is shadowed and no local nicknames in use for that package? (and in that case, need to be careful to pick one that isn't shadowed) not sure what happens if all of the nickname/names of a package are shadowed print-unreadable-object or some implementation specific trick? (use #. or one of the macro chars reserved for implementations?) * *FEATURES* ** :package-local-nicknames included in *features* when this extension is available ** :package-local-nicknames-only not included in *features* by default, to be added by user code to indicate that package-local-nickname aware libraries should not define any global nicknames (mainly intended for things that want to load lots of packages at once for compatibility testing, or for use with a few particular classes of libs like GL or JSON where it might be useful to use more than one at once) * non-standard functions/etc ** some way to list local nicknames of a specified package ** some way to add local nicknames to a package ** some way to remove/modify local nicknames? ** FIND-PACKAGE-USING-PACKAGE ? ** FIND-GLOBAL-PACKAGE ? (or a special option to FIND-PACKAGE ?)