require 'formula' class Avidemux3 < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'd886d61eab70f7b1972c0ebdeeeb7d2ba8c30cbf' head 'git://' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'yasm' => :build depends_on 'qt' => :build depends_on 'aften' => :recommended depends_on 'faac' => :recommended depends_on 'faad2' => :recommended depends_on 'fribidi' => :recommended depends_on 'gettext' => :recommended depends_on 'libdca' => :recommended depends_on 'libvorbis' => :recommended depends_on 'libvpx' => :optional depends_on 'lame' => :recommended depends_on 'opencore-amr' => :optional depends_on 'sqlite' => :recommended depends_on 'two-lame' => :recommended depends_on 'xvid' => :recommended depends_on 'x264' => :recommended option 'with-debug', 'Enable debug build and disable optimization' def process(blddir, srcdir, dflag) gettext = Formula.factory('gettext') mkdir blddir do args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=#{gettext.prefix} -DAVIDEMUX_SOURCE_DIR=#{buildpath} ] if build.include? 'with-debug' then args << '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' args << '-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=true' args << '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3' unless ENV.compiler == :clang args << '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3' unless ENV.compiler == :clang end args << dflag if dflag != '' args << srcdir system "cmake", *args if blddir == 'buildCor' then system 'make -j1' # their internal ffmpeg needs this system 'make -j1 install' else system 'make' system 'make install' end end end def install ENV.remove_from_cflags '-w ' # allow warnings for now. if build.include? 'with-debug' ENV.deparallelize # helps reading stdout. (ENV.compiler == :clang) ? ENV.Og : ENV.O2 # optimize debug properly end # Avidemux is coded to use the .svn or .git directory to find its revision, # but neither vcs copies those during clone from the cache to the stagedir. # Modify cmake/admMainChecks.cmake to look in the Homebrew cache. if build.head? inreplace 'cmake/admMainChecks.cmake', 'admGetRevision( ${AVIDEMUX_TOP_SOURCE_DIR} ADM_SUBVERSION)', "admGetRevision(\"#{cached_download}\" ADM_SUBVERSION)" end # (build directory, source location, cmake variable) process( 'buildCor', '../avidemux_core', '-DSDL=OFF' ) process( 'buildGui', '../avidemux/qt4', '-DSDL=OFF' ) process( 'buildCli', '../avidemux/cli', '-DSDL=OFF' ) process( 'buildPlugCor', '../avidemux_plugins', '-DPLUGIN_UI=COMMON' ) process( 'buildPlugGui', '../avidemux_plugins', '-DPLUGIN_UI=QT4' ) process( 'buildPlugCli', '../avidemux_plugins', '-DPLUGIN_UI=CLI' ) # g++ links the core applications against unversioned dylibs # from an internal ffmpeg, even though CMake specifies versioned # dylibs. CMake then installs the versioned ffmpeg dylibs only. # This patch creates the missing symlinks for unversioned libs. # * The lib version numbers are either one or two digits. # * The version numbers change every couple of months. # * So this finds the file first, then makes a symlink. # * The result of this code is a command like this: # ln_sf lib+'libADM6avcodec.53.dylib', lib+'libADM6avcodec.dylib' ffpref = 'libADM6' ffsuff = '.dylib' %w[ avcodec avformat avutil postproc swscale ].each do |fflib| ffpat = ffpref+fflib+'.{?,??}'+ffsuff ffpat = lib+ffpat nonver = ffpref+fflib+ffsuff nonver = lib+nonver hasver = Dir[ffpat] ln_sf hasver.to_s, nonver.to_s end end def caveats <<-EOS.undent The command line interface is called avidemux_cli. The Qt gui is called avidemux, but no formal app is created in /Applications. You would start it here in a terminal if you decide to run that. All the programs are in your path by default. EOS end end