%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Start off with some headers Title: 10 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know About Ruby Author: Jim Weirich %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Add some styles here % %css body { font-family: Helvetica; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: #0050B0; } h1 { text-align: center; } /* todo: use pre.class - needs to get added using @@@lang */ pre { background-color: white; border: 2px solid #B05000; padding: 10px; } div.code { background-color: white; border: 2px solid #B05000; padding: 10px; } div.code pre { background-color: white; border: 0; padding: 5px; } %end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Let's go. The presentation starts here # 10 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know About Ruby Jim Weirich %class center (Adapted S6/S9 Version from [Original Slide Deck](http://onestepback.org/articles/10things)) %class center # Who Am I? * Jim Weirich * Consultant for Compuware * Java Programmer * Ruby Enthusiast # First Things First I used to teach an after hours course in C programming for employees of a large manufacturing company. It was pretty easy to tell what programming languages the students had used previously just by looking at the style of C code they produced. It is certainly true that "You can write FORTRAN in any language". Java programmers investigating Ruby will find a language that look similar in many ways. There are classes and modules, namespaces and scopes, instance variables and methods. A Java programmer will feel quite at home in this Object Oriented language. So the temptation will be to continue to program in a Java-style. Sure, there are some things that are different (the lack of type declarations will probably be the first thing that strikes them). But nothing that can't be worked around with a little effort ... and they will miss a golden opportunity. # Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis theorizes that thoughts and behavior are determined (or are at least partially influenced) by language. [...] To this day it has not been completely disputed or defended, but has continued to intrigue researchers around the world. ### Quote > A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming > is not worth knowing -- Alan Perlis # The Ruby Way This is _not_ yet another "Ruby is better than Java" article. Nor is it intended to bash Java or Java programmers. Rather, it is an attempt to aid Java programmers who are investigating Ruby by helping them quickly get over the "_Writing Java in Ruby_" syndrome and to discover the Ruby Way. Now, on to our 10 Things... # Item #10 - Learn Ruby Conventions * `ClassNames` * `method_names` and `variable_names` * `methods_asking_a_question?` * `slightly_dangerous_methods!` * `@instance_variables` * `$global_variables` * `SOME_CONSTANTS` or `OtherConstants` Some of the conventions are enforced by the language, others are merely standards used by the community. # Item #9 - Everything is an Object Everything in Ruby that can be bound to a variable name is a full-fledged object. This has interesting consequences # Classes are Objects! * `Array` is a constant name that is bound to the Array class object. * Creating new objects does not require special syntax. We just send `new` to the class object. %clear a = Array.new # This make factories trivial Since Classes create instances of themselves, they are the ultimate factory object. def create_from_factory(factory) factory.new end obj = create_from_factory(Array) # No Primitives! Even integers are full fledged objects. 0.zero? # => true 1.zero? # => false 1.abs # => 1 -1.abs # => 1 1.methods # => list of methods for object 1 2.+(3) # => 5 (same as 2+3) 10.class # => Fixnum (10**100).class # => Bignum # `nil` is an Object! * Java: * `null` means "no reference to object" * Invoking a method on `null` is an error * Ruby: * `nil` is a normal object * You can never get a null pointer error! %clear a = nil a.nil? # => true a.methods # => list of methods a.abs # => NoMethodError # Things that are not Objects * Variable names are not objects * You cannot have a variable reference another variable * (no indirection to variables) * There are workarounds to this * But that's an advanced topic * And no one really _needs_ it anyways. # More Things that are not Objects * Blocks are not objects * But that's a distinction without a difference * By the time you need them, they automatically convert to `Proc` objects %clear %%% use two-column layout using left/right helpers %left class=code def with_block yield end with_block { # Never converted } %end %right class=code def with_proc(&block) block.call end with_proc { # Converted internally } %end # Item #8 - (Almost) Everything is a Message All computation in Ruby happens through: * Binding names to objects (assignment) * Primitive controls structures (e.g. `if`/`else`, `while`) and operators (e.g. `defined?`) * Sending messages to objects # Yes, all of these are messages... `string.index("x")` : Send `:index` (with argument "`x`") `string.length` : Send `:length` (with no argument) `run_status_reports` : Send `:run_status_reports` (to `self`) `1 + 2` : Send `:+` (with argument `2`) to the object `1` `array[i]` : Send `:[]` (with argument `i`) to the array # Messages, not Function Calls Java Programmers tend to think of `obj.method()` as looking up a member function in a table and calling it. Ruby programmers tend to think of `obj.method` as sending a message to an object. What's the Difference? %class center The difference is subtle, but important! # What _Kind_ of Differences? Consider the following class. It defines an object that is able to record all the messages ever sent to it, and then playback those messages to another object. class VCR def initialize @messages = [] end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @messages << [method, args, block] end def play_back_to(obj) @messages.each do |method, args, block| obj.send(method, *args, &block) end end end # Playing Back Data Example Code require 'src/vcr' vcr = VCR.new vcr.sub!(/Java/) { "Ruby" } vcr.upcase! vcr[11,5] = "Universe" vcr << "!" string = "Hello Java World" puts string vcr.play_back_to(string) puts string Output Hello Java World HELLO RUBY Universe! # Message Opportunities... **Remote Proxies** : Automatically forward any message to a remote object. **Auto Loaders** : Stand in for an object until it gets its first message. Then load it and act like a regular proxy. Great for autoloading database backed objects. **Decorators** : Intercept the messages you want and pass the rest through. **Mock Objects** : Just write the methods that need to be mocked. Proxy or ignore the others as needed. **Builders** : Generate XML/HTML/Whatever based on the methods called on the builder # Item #7 - Ruby is _Way_ More Dynamic Than You Expect One of the big attractions of Java over C++ was the dynamic features of the language. You could easily load classes at run time, query objects about their classes and methods, and even call methods discovered at runtime. # Dynamic Beyond Java Ruby takes dynamic behavior several steps beyond Java. %%% use two-column layout using left/right helpers %left * `method_missing` * Easy Reflection * Open Classes %end %right * Singleton Objects * Definition Hooks * Code Evalutation %end # Easy Reflection: Create Object public static Object create(Class c, String value) throws Exception { Constructor ctor = c.getConstructor( new Class[] { String.class } ); return ctor.newInstance( new Object[] { "Hello" } ); } public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception { Greeting g =(Greeting) create(Greeting.class, "Hello"); g.show(); } # Easy Reflection The Ruby Version def create(klass, value) klass.new(value) end g = create(Greeting, "Hello") g.show # Open Classes Methods can be added to classes at any point ... even built in classes. class Integer def even? (self % 2) == 0 end end p (1..10).select { |n| n.even? } # => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] Caution is advised, but this feature can be very useful. # Singleton Methods Singleton methods are defined on individual objects, not classes. class Dog end rover = Dog.new fido = Dog.new def rover.speak puts "Red Rover" end rover.speak # => "Red Rover" fido.speak # => NoMethodError # Hooks Hooks allow the user to gain control at interesting moments during the execution of a program. class MyClass def MyClass.method_added(name) puts "Adding Method #{name}" end def new_method # Yada yada yada end end Output Adding Method new_method # Code Eval class Module def trace_attr(sym) self.module_eval %{ def #{sym} printf "Accessing %s with value %s\n", "#{sym}", @#{sym}.inspect @#{sym} end } end end class Dog trace_attr :name def initialize(string) @name = string end end Dog.new("Fido").name # => Accessing name with value "Fido" # Item #6 - Objects are Strongly Typed - Not Statically Typed _What is a Type?_ %class center A type is **a set of values** and **a set of operations** %class center %% start a new slide w/ title %slide %left ### C Code (Weak) #include extern float two(); int main() { float x = 1.5 + two(); printf("%f\n", x); printf("%d\n", x); return 0; } %end %right ### Java Code (Strong) public class Main { public static void main (String args[]) { double x = 1.5 + Two.two(); System.out.println(x); } } %end %left int two() { return 2; } %end %right public class Two { public static int two() { return 2; } } %end %left ### Output nan 0 %end %right ### Output 3.5 %end %slide %left ### Ruby Code (?) require 'two' x = 1.5 + two puts x printf "%d", x %clear def two 2 end ### Output 3.5 3 %end %right ### So what makes a language type safe? * Compiler knowledge of the variable types? * Declaring all variables? * Compiler catching all type errors? Or... %step * Catching all inappropriate operations on a type, either at * compile time, or * run time %end %end %slide %left ### Ruby Code def factorial(n) result = 1 (2..n).each do |i| result *= i end result end puts factorial(20) puts factorial(21) %end %right ### Java Code public class Fact { static long factorial(long n) { long result = 1; for (long i=2; i<=n; i++) result *= i; return result; } public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println(factorial(20)); System.out.println(factorial(21)); } } %end %left ### Output 2432902008176640000 51090942171709440000 %end %right ### Output 2432902008176640000 -4249290049419214848 %end # Lanaguage Typing Systems %left ### Java is * Strongly, * Statically, * Manifestly typed. %end %right ### Ruby is * Strongly, * Dynamically, * Implicitly typed. %end # Testimonial > I've been a statically typed bigot for quite a few years. > I learned my lesson the hard way while using C. > Too many systems crashed in the field due to silly typing errors. [...] > Four years ago I got involved with Extreme Programming. [...] I can't > imagine not having a comprehensive suite of unit tests to back up > my development. [...] > About two years ago I noticed something. > I was depending less and less on the type system for safety. > My unit tests were preventing me from making type errors. [...] > So I tried writing some applications in Python, and then Ruby. > I was not entirely surprised when I found that type issues simply > never arose. -- [Bob Martin](http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=4639) # Item #5 - Don't Worry About Interfaces %left ### Ruby Uses Duck Typing * If it walks like a duck, * And talks like a duck, * Then we can treat it like a duck. * (who cares what it _really_ is) %end %right class Duck def talk() puts "Quack" end end class DuckLikeObject def talk() puts "Kwak" end end flock = [ Duck.new, DuckLikeObject.new ] flock.each do |d| d.talk end %end No need to inherit from a common interface. # Item #4 - Mix it up with Mix-Ins Although Ruby does not have interfaces, it does have mix-ins defined by modules. A module... * Is a namespace (like a class) * Can have defined methods (like a class) * Can not be instanciated (unlike a class) * Can be mixed (included) into a class * The module methods become instance methods of the class # Tedious comparison operators Although all the logic is in the less-than method, all the other comparisons must still be defined. class Pair attr_accessor :first, :second # ... def <(other) (first < other.first) || (first == other.first && second < other.second) end def >(other) other < self end # Other methods defined in terms of less than: # <=, >=, == end # Reuse the Mix-in A mix-in allows the commonality to be factored out. module ComparableUsingLess def >(other) other < self end # Other methods defined in terms of less than: # <=, >=, == end class Pair include ComparableUsingLess attr_accessor :first, :second # ... def <(other) (first < other.first) || (first == other.first && second < other.second) end end # Item #3 - Embrace Closures **Iteration** [1,2,3].each do |item| puts item end **Resource Management** file_contents = open(file_name) { |f| f.read } **Callbacks** widget.on_button_press { puts "Got Button Press" } # Item #2 - `ri` is Your Friend, `irb` is Your Other Friend **`ri`** : Ruby Information. Man pages for standard Ruby objects. **`irb`** : Interactive Ruby. Console based interactive Ruby interpreter. %slide $ ri Array ---------------------------------------------------------- Module: Array Arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object. Array indexing starts at 0, as in C or Java. A negative index is assumed to be relative to the end of the array---that is, an index of -1 indicates the last element of the array, -2 is the next to last element in the array, and so on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Includes: --------- Enumerable(all?, any?, collect, detect, each_with_index, entries, find, find_all, grep, include?, inject, map, max, member?, min, partition, reject, select, sort, sort_by, to_a, zip) Class methods: -------------- [], new Instance methods: ----------------- &, *, +, -, <<, <=>, ==, [], []=, assoc, at, clear, collect, collect!, compact, compact!, concat, delete, delete_at, delete_if, each, each_index, empty?, eql?, fetch, fill, first, flatten, flatten!, frozen?, hash, include?, index, indexes, indices, insert, inspect, join, last, length, map, map!, nitems, pack, pop, push, rassoc, reject, reject!, replace, reverse, reverse!, reverse_each, rindex, select, shift, slice, slice!, sort, sort!, to_a, to_ary, to_s, transpose, uniq, uniq!, unshift, values_at, zip, | %class small # Another RI Example Ask about the instance method `last`... $ ri Array#last ------------------------------------------------------------- Array#last array.last => obj or nil array.last(n) => an_array ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Returns the last element(s) of _self_. If the array is empty, the first form returns +nil+. [ "w", "x", "y", "z" ].last #=> "z" %class small # IRB Sample Add `1+2`, then find the methods defined in `Proc`... $ irb --simple-prompt >> 1 + 2 => 3 >> Proc.instance_methods(false) => ["[]", "==", "dup", "call", "binding", "to_s", "clone", "to_proc", "arity"] # Item #1 - Stop Writing So Much Code! ### Coworker Quote (paraphrased) > "I decided to try out Ruby to solve my problem. > So I wrote a little code and all of a sudden > I discovered that I was done." ### Examples * Copland (Hivemind based) VS Needle Libraries * Rake (Ruby version of Make) # Item #Zero - Ruby Puts the Fun Back In Programming ![fun](i/fun.jpg) %class center # Some More Things You Should Know * Namespaces (Classes and Modules) are Independent of Packages * String Interpolation * "`.`" (dot) VS "`::`" (double colon) * No Overloading on Method Signatures * There is a [JRuby](http://jruby.org) project * Java static member function and Ruby class methods a kinda alike and kinda different * `finally` is named `ensure` * Flexible quoting # Summary (10) Learn Ruby Conventions (9) Everything is an Object (8) (Almost) Everything is a Message (7) Ruby is Way More Dynamic Than You Expect (6) Objects are Strongly Typed, Not Statically Typed (5) Don't Worry About Interfaces (4) Mix it up with Mix-ins (3) Embrace Closures (2) `ri` is Your Friend, `irb` is Your Other Friend (1) Write Less Code (0) Ruby Makes Programming Fun Again # License This presentation is made available under the [Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/), version 2.0. This means you are able to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and to create derivitive works, under the following conditions: * You must give the original author credit. * You may not use this work for commercial purposes.