#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script initializes the crawler to downloade pages from a sample web site. """ def set_path_to_package_root(): """ Calling this function esures that: 1) if this script is placed inside the C{concurrent_tree_crawler} package files, when importing the C{concurrent_tree_crawler} package it uses these package files, 2) otherwise, in situtation when the script is in some other place and we want to use the library C{concurrent_tree_crawler} installed in the system, it uses this library when importing the C{concurrent_tree_crawler}. """ import sys import os.path sys.path[0]=os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../..') set_path_to_package_root() from concurrent_tree_crawler.cmdln_multithreaded_crawler import \ CmdLnMultithreadedCrawler from concurrent_tree_crawler.html_multipage_navigator.cmdln.navigators_creator \ import CmdLnNavigatorsCreator from concurrent_tree_crawler.html_multipage_navigator.cmdln.sample_levels_creator \ import SampleCmdLnLevelsCreator navigators_creator = CmdLnNavigatorsCreator(SampleCmdLnLevelsCreator()) crawler = CmdLnMultithreadedCrawler(navigators_creator) crawler.run()