""" An IPython extension that provides a magic command that displays a table with information about versions of installed modules. This makes it much easier to determine which versions of modules were installed in the source IPython interpreter's environment. Produces output in: * Plaintext (IPython [qt]console) * HTML (IPython notebook, ``nbconvert --to html``, ``--to slides``) * JSON (IPython notebook ``.ipynb`` files) * LaTeX (e.g. ``ipython nbconvert example.ipynb --to LaTeX --post PDF``) Usage ====== .. sourcecode:: ipython In [1]: %load_ext version_information In [2]: %version_information Out[2]: Software versions Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2013, 20:08:41) [GCC 4.6.3] IPython 2.0.0-dev OS posix [linux2] Mon Dec 09 10:21:40 2013 CST In [3]: %version_information sphinx, jinja2 Out[3]: Software versions Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2013, 20:08:41) [GCC 4.6.3] IPython 2.0.0-dev OS posix [linux2] sphinx 1.2b3 jinja2 2.7.1 Mon Dec 09 10:21:52 2013 CST .. note:: ``%version_information`` expects to find the module version in ``.__version__``. If ``.__version__`` is not set, it attempts to get a version string with ``pkg_resources.require('')[0].version`` (the ``version`` field from ``setup.py``). """ import cgi import json import sys import time import locale import IPython import platform from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, line_magic, Magics try: import pkg_resources except ImportError: pkg_resources = None timefmt = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z' def _date_format_encoding(): return locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME)[1] or locale.getpreferredencoding() @magics_class class VersionInformation(Magics): @line_magic def version_information(self, line=''): """Show information about versions of modules. Usage: %version_information [optional comma-separated list of modules] """ self.packages = [ ("Python", "{version} {arch} [{compiler}]".format( version=platform.python_version(), arch=platform.architecture()[0], compiler=platform.python_compiler())), ("IPython", IPython.__version__), ("OS", platform.platform().replace('-', ' ')) ] modules = line.replace(' ', '').split(",") for module in modules: if len(module) > 0: try: code = ("import %s; version=str(%s.__version__)" % (module, module)) ns_g = ns_l = {} exec(compile(code, "", "exec"), ns_g, ns_l) self.packages.append((module, ns_l["version"])) except Exception as e: try: if pkg_resources is None: raise version = pkg_resources.require(module)[0].version self.packages.append((module, version)) except Exception as e: self.packages.append((module, str(e))) return self def _repr_json_(self): obj = { 'Software versions': [ {'module': name, 'version': version} for (name, version) in self.packages]} if IPython.version_info[0] >= 3: return obj else: return json.dumps(obj) def _repr_html_(self): html = "" html += "" for name, version in self.packages: _version = cgi.escape(version) html += "" % (name, _version) try: html += "" % time.strftime(timefmt) except: html += "" % \ time.strftime(timefmt).decode(_date_format_encoding()) html += "
" return html @staticmethod def _latex_escape(str_): CHARS = { '&': r'\&', '%': r'\%', '$': r'\$', '#': r'\#', '_': r'\_', '{': r'\letteropenbrace{}', '}': r'\letterclosebrace{}', '~': r'\lettertilde{}', '^': r'\letterhat{}', '\\': r'\letterbackslash{}', '>': r'\textgreater', '<': r'\textless', } return u"".join([CHARS.get(c, c) for c in str_]) def _repr_latex_(self): latex = r"\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline" + "\n" latex += r"{\bf Software} & {\bf Version} \\ \hline\hline" + "\n" for name, version in self.packages: _version = self._latex_escape(version) latex += r"%s & %s \\ \hline" % (name, _version) + "\n" try: latex += r"\hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{%s} \\ \hline" % \ time.strftime(timefmt) + "\n" except: latex += r"\hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{%s} \\ \hline" % \ time.strftime(timefmt).decode(_date_format_encoding()) + "\n" latex += r"\end{tabular}" + "\n" return latex def _repr_pretty_(self, pp, cycle): text = "Software versions\n" for name, version in self.packages: text += "%s %s\n" % (name, version) try: text += "%s" % time.strftime(timefmt) except: text += "%s" % \ time.strftime(timefmt).decode(_date_format_encoding()) pp.text(text) def load_ipython_extension(ipython): ipython.register_magics(VersionInformation)