#!/bin/bash # Hudson script used to publish Tycho-built p2 update sites # NOTE: sources MUST be checked out into ${WORKSPACE}/sources if [ -z "${WORKSPACE}" ]; then echo "WORKSPACE property must be set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${JOB_NAME}" ]; then echo "JOB_NAME property must be set" exit 1 fi # to use timestamp when naming dirs instead of ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER}, use: # BUILD_TIMESTAMP=2010-08-31_19-16-10; timestamp=$(echo $BUILD_TIMESTAMP | tr -d "_-"); timestamp=${timestamp:0:12}; echo $timestamp; # 201008311916 if [[ ! ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP} ]]; then BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`date -u +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` #set up tmpdir tmpdir=`mktemp -d` mkdir -p $tmpdir # where to create the stuff to publish STAGINGDIR=${WORKSPACE}/results/${JOB_NAME} # for trunk, use "trunk" or "trunk/soa" instead of generated path from job name PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX=""; if [[ $1 ]]; then PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX="$1"; fi # https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-6956 "jbosstools-3.2.0.M2" is too verbose, use "3.2.0.M2" instead JOBNAMEREDUX=${JOB_NAME/.aggregate}; JOBNAMEREDUX=${JOBNAMEREDUX/jbosstools-} if [[ ${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX} ]]; then PUBLISHEDSITE="https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX}" else PUBLISHEDSITE="https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/${JOBNAMEREDUX}" fi wgetParams="--timeout=900 --wait=10 --random-wait --tries=10 --retry-connrefused --no-check-certificate -q" getRemoteFile () { # requires $wgetParams and $tmpdir to be defined (above) getRemoteFileReturn="" grfURL="$1" output=`mktemp -p ${tmpdir} getRemoteFile.XXXXXX` if [[ ! `wget ${wgetParams} ${grfURL} -O ${output} 2>&1 | egrep "ERROR 404"` ]]; then # file downloaded getRemoteFileReturn=${output} else getRemoteFileReturn="" rm -f ${output} fi } # releases get named differently than snapshots if [[ ${RELEASE} == "Yes" ]]; then ZIPSUFFIX="${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER}" else ZIPSUFFIX="SNAPSHOT" fi # define target update zip filename SNAPNAME="${JOB_NAME}-${ZIPSUFFIX}-updatesite.zip" # define target sources zip filename SRCSNAME="${JOB_NAME}-${ZIPSUFFIX}-src.zip" # define suffix to use for additional update sites SUFFNAME="${ZIPSUFFIX}-updatesite.zip" # for JBDS, use DESTINATION=/home/windup/apache2/www/html/rhd/devstudio if [[ $DESTINATION == "" ]]; then DESTINATION="tools@filemgmt.jboss.org:/downloads_htdocs/tools"; fi # internal destination mirror, for file:// access (instead of http://) if [[ $INTRNALDEST == "" ]]; then INTRNALDEST="/home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds"; fi # cleanup from last time rm -fr ${WORKSPACE}/results; mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR} # check for aggregate zip or overall zip z="" if [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/target ]]; then if [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/target/site_assembly.zip ]]; then siteZip=${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/target/site_assembly.zip else siteZip=${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/target/repository.zip fi z=$siteZip elif [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/site/target ]]; then if [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/site/target/site_assembly.zip ]]; then siteZip=${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/site/target/site_assembly.zip else siteZip=${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/site/target/repository.zip fi z=$siteZip elif [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target ]]; then # product builds ONLY if [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target/site_assembly.zip ]]; then siteZip=${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target/site_assembly.zip fi z=$siteZip elif [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/site/target ]]; then if [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/site/target/site_assembly.zip ]]; then siteZip=${WORKSPACE}/sources/site/target/site_assembly.zip else siteZip=${WORKSPACE}/sources/site/target/repository.zip # JBIDE-10923 pushd ${WORKSPACE}/sources/site/target/repository >/dev/null zip -r $siteZip . popd >/dev/null fi z=$siteZip fi # note the job name, build number, SCM rev, and build ID of the latest snapshot zip mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/logs bl=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/BUILDLOG.txt rm -f ${bl}; getRemoteFile "https://studio-jenkins-csb-codeready.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/consoleText"; if [[ -w ${getRemoteFileReturn} ]]; then mv ${getRemoteFileReturn} ${bl}; fi # calculate BUILD_ALIAS from parent pom version as recorded in the build log, eg., from org/jboss/tools/parent/4.0.0.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT get Alpha2 BUILD_ALIAS=$(cat ${bl} | grep "org/jboss/tools/parent/" | head -1 | sed -e "s#.\+org/jboss/tools/parent/\(.\+\)/\(maven-metadata.xml\|parent.\+\)#\1#" | sed -e "s#-SNAPSHOT##" | sed -e "s#[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].##") # store details about the SCM revision and where the detailed log is located, so we can easily see if this build's different from the previous REV_LOG_URL="" REV_LOG_DETAIL="" # JBDS-1361 - fetch XML and then sed it into plain text mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/logs rl=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/REVISION if [[ $(find ${WORKSPACE} -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 3 -name ".git") ]]; then # Track git source revision through hudson api: /job/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/api/xml?xpath=(//lastBuiltRevision)[1] rl=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/GIT_REVISION rm -f ${rl}.txt ${rl}.xml getRemoteFile "https://studio-jenkins-csb-codeready.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/api/xml?xpath=%28//lastBuiltRevision%29[1]"; if [[ -w ${getRemoteFileReturn} ]]; then mv ${getRemoteFileReturn} ${rl}.xml; fi sed -e "s#\([a-f0-9]\+\)\([a-f0-9]\+\)\([^<>]\+\)#\3\@\1#g" ${rl}.xml | sed -e "s#<[^<>]\+>##g" > ${rl}.txt REV_LOG_URL="https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt" REV_LOG_DETAIL="`cat ${rl}.txt`" else # no git... unsupported echo "UNKNOWN REVISION(S)" > ${rl}.txt REV_LOG_URL="https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/" REV_LOG_DETAIL="Details" fi # collect ALL_REVISIONS for aggregate build mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/logs ALLREVS=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/ALL_REVISIONS.txt if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]] && [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips ]]; then GITREV_SOURCE="https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}" echo " >>> ${GITREV_SOURCE}/components <<< " > $ALLREVS if [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips/ALL_REVISIONS.txt ]]; then echo "" >> $ALLREVS cat ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips/ALL_REVISIONS.txt >> $ALLREVS echo "" >> $ALLREVS fi # work locally if posible if [[ -d ${STAGINGDIR}/components ]]; then for f in `cd ${STAGINGDIR}/components; find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.zip" | sort`; do REV= g=`echo $f | sed 's#\.\/\([^<>]\+\)(-Update|-updatesite).\+.zip#\1#g'` if [[ ! `wget ${wgetParams} https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${g}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt -O $tmpdir/${g}_GIT_REVISION.txt 2>&1 | egrep "ERROR 404"` ]]; then REV=`cat $tmpdir/${g}_GIT_REVISION.txt` else REV="?" fi rm -fr $tmpdir/${g}_GIT_REVISION.txt echo -n "${g} :: $REV" >> $ALLREVS componentname=${g/*component--/} componentname=${componentname/-1.9.2/} componentname=${componentname/central-maven-examples/central} echo " :: https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-"${componentname}/commit/${REV##*@} >> $ALLREVS done elif [[ ! `wget -q -nc ${GITREV_SOURCE}/components/ -O $tmpdir/index.html 2>&1 | egrep "ERROR 404"` ]]; then # else fetch from server for f in $(cat $tmpdir/index.html | egrep -v "C=D|title>|h1>|DIR"); do if [[ ${f/zip.MD5/} != ${f} ]]; then true; elif [[ ${f/zip/} != ${f} ]]; then REV= g=`echo $f | sed 's#href=".\+zip">\([^<>]\+\)(-Update|-updatesite).\+.zip.\+#\1#g'` if [[ ! `wget ${wgetParams} https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${g}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt -O $tmpdir/${g}_GIT_REVISION.txt 2>&1 | egrep "ERROR 404"` ]]; then REV=`cat $tmpdir/${g}_GIT_REVISION.txt` else REV="?" fi rm -fr $tmpdir/${g}_GIT_REVISION.txt echo -n "${g} :: $REV" >> $ALLREVS componentname=${g/*component--/} componentname=${componentname/-1.9.2/} componentname=${componentname/central-maven-examples/central} echo " :: https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-"${componentname}/commit/${REV##*@} >> $ALLREVS fi done rm -f $tmpdir/index.html fi echo "" >> $ALLREVS fi if [[ ${JOB_NAME/devstudio} != ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then # devstudio build echo " >>> ${JOB_NAME} <<<" >> $ALLREVS ## work locally if posible if [[ -f ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt ]]; then cp ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt $tmpdir/devstudio_GIT_REVISION.txt fi if [[ -f $tmpdir/devstudio_GIT_REVISION.txt ]]; then cat $tmpdir/devstudio_GIT_REVISION.txt >> $ALLREVS; fi # get name of upstream project (eg., for devstudio.product_70 want jbosstools-build-sites.aggregate.site_41) getRemoteFile "https://studio-jenkins-csb-codeready.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/${JOB_NAME}/api/xml?xpath=%28//upstreamProject/name%29[1]"; if [[ -r ${getRemoteFileReturn} ]] && [[ -w ${getRemoteFileReturn} ]]; then mv ${getRemoteFileReturn} $tmpdir/upstreamProject.name.xml else echo "UNKNOWN" > $tmpdir/upstreamProject.name.xml fi UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME=`sed -e "s#\(.\+\)#\1#g" $tmpdir/upstreamProject.name.xml` echo "" >> $ALLREVS echo " >>> ${UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME} <<<" >> $ALLREVS echo "" >> $ALLREVS echo "See also upstream JBoss Tools aggregate job for complete list of git revisions." >> $ALLREVS echo " * https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME}/logs/ALL_REVISIONS.txt *" >> $ALLREVS echo "" >> $ALLREVS # ensure upstream logs/ALL_REVISIONS.txt file actually exists if [[ ! `wget ${wgetParams} -O - https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME}/logs/ALL_REVISIONS.txt -O $tmpdir/upstream_ALL_REVISIONS.txt 2>&1 | egrep "ERROR 404"` ]]; then cat $tmpdir/upstream_ALL_REVISIONS.txt >> $ALLREVS echo "" >> $ALLREVS fi rm -f $tmpdir/devstudio_GIT_REVISION.txt $tmpdir/upstreamProject.name.xml $tmpdir/upstream_ALL_REVISIONS.txt fi PUBLISH_STATUS="" showUnchangedMessage () { echo "=======================================================================================================" echo "" echo "$1 revision(s) UNCHANGED. Publish cancelled (nothing to do). Skip this check with 'EXPORT skipRevisionCheckWhenPublishing=true; ./$0 ...'" echo "" echo "=======================================================================================================" PUBLISH_STATUS=" (NOT PUBLISHED: UNCHANGED)" } # JBIDE-13672 if current revision log == previous revision log, then we can stop publishing right now (unless skipRevisionCheckWhenPublishing=true) if [[ ${skipRevisionCheckWhenPublishing} != "true" ]]; then PREV_REV_FILE=$tmpdir/PREV_REV.txt if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]] && [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips ]]; then # check previous build's ALL_REVISIONS log rm -f ${PREV_REV_FILE}; PREV_REV_CHECK=`wget ${wgetParams} -O ${PREV_REV_FILE} https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/ALL_REVISIONS.txt 2>/dev/null && echo "found" || echo "not found"` REV_LOG_DETAIL="Details" REV_LOG_URL="https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/ALL_REVISIONS.txt" if [[ ! ${PREV_REV_CHECK%%*not found*} ]]; then echo "No previous log in https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/ALL_REVISIONS.txt" elif [[ `cat ${ALLREVS}` == `cat ${PREV_REV_FILE}` ]]; then showUnchangedMessage GIT fi elif [[ $(find ${WORKSPACE} -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 3 -name ".git") ]]; then # check previous build's GIT_REVISION log REV_LOG_DETAIL="`cat ${rl}.txt`" if [[ ${REV_LOG_DETAIL} ]]; then # file has contents REV_LOG_URL="https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt" rm -f ${PREV_REV_FILE}; PREV_REV_CHECK=`wget ${wgetParams} -O ${PREV_REV_FILE} https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt 2>/dev/null && echo "found" || echo "not found"` if [[ ! ${PREV_REV_CHECK%%*not found*} ]]; then echo "No previous log in https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/logs/GIT_REVISION.txt" elif [[ `cat ${rl}.txt` == `cat ${PREV_REV_FILE}` ]]; then showUnchangedMessage GIT fi else # should never see this echo "WARNING: no GIT_REVISION found in ${rl}.txt" PUBLISH_STATUS=" (PUBLISHED: NO GIT_REVISION)" fi fi PREV_REV_CHECK="" if [[ ${PUBLISH_STATUS} ]]; then if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.product} == ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then # set a BUILD_DESCRIPTION we can later parse from Jenkins BUILD_DESCRIPTION='
  • Update Site
  • Coverage report & jacoco.exec (EclEmma)
  • ' else # set a build description for JBDS product builds REV_LOG_SHORT=`echo $REV_LOG_DETAIL | sed "s#.*repos/devstudio/##g" | sed "s/[\n\r\ \t]\+//g"` BUILD_DESCRIPTION='
  • Update Site
  • Installers & Zips
  • Upstream: Update Site' fi if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then echo ">> ${PUBLISHEDSITE} <<"; fi exit 0 else # checked but did not show Unchanged Message, so we have changes; will therefore publish PUBLISH_STATUS=" (PUBLISHED: CHANGED)" fi else # did not check, so may or may not have changes; will publish regardless PUBLISH_STATUS=" (PUBLISHED: SKIP REV CHECK)" fi if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.product} == ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then # set a BUILD_DESCRIPTION we can later parse from Jenkins BUILD_DESCRIPTION='
  • Update Site
  • Coverage report & jacoco.exec (EclEmma)
  • ' else # set a build description for JBDS product builds REV_LOG_SHORT=`echo $REV_LOG_DETAIL | sed "s#.*repos/devstudio/##g" | sed "s/[\n\r\ \t]\+//g"` BUILD_DESCRIPTION='
  • Update Site
  • Installers & Zips
  • Upstream: Update Site' fi METAFILE="${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER}.txt" mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/logs touch ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} METAFILE=build.properties echo "BUILD_ALIAS = ${BUILD_ALIAS}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "JOB_NAME = ${JOB_NAME}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "BUILD_NUMBER = ${BUILD_NUMBER}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "BUILD_TIMESTAMP = ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "WORKSPACE = ${WORKSPACE}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "HUDSON_SLAVE = $(uname -a)" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "RELEASE = ${RELEASE}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "ZIPSUFFIX = ${ZIPSUFFIX}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION=${TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION_MAXIMUM=${TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION_MAXIMUM}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "REV_LOG_URL=${REV_LOG_URL}" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} echo "REV_LOG_DETAIL=\"${REV_LOG_DETAIL}\"" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} y=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE}; for m in $(md5sum ${y}); do if [[ $m != ${y} ]]; then echo $m > ${y}.MD5; fi; done # for product, just use the target repository (no need to unpack the zip, which contains different content) if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.product} != ${JOB_NAME} ]] && [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target/repository ]]; then rm -fr ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo #echo "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" #echo "1. In ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target/repository/ ... " #echo -n "Packed jars found: "; find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target/repository/* -name "*.pack.gz" | wc -l #echo -n "Jars found: "; find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target/repository/* -name "*.jar" | wc -l #echo "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" rsync -aq ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/site/target/repository/* ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo/ #echo "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" #echo "2. In ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo/ ... " #echo -n "Packed jars found: "; find ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo/* -name "*.pack.gz" | wc -l #echo -n "Jars found: "; find ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo/* -name "*.jar" | wc -l #echo "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" else #echo "$z ..." if [[ $z != "" ]] && [[ -f $z ]] ; then # unzip into workspace for publishing as unpacked site mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo unzip -u -o -q -d ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo $z # generate MD5 sum for zip (file contains only the hash, not the hash + filename) for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done # unless this is a product build, copy into workspace for access by bucky aggregator (same name every time) # TODO: is this still needed? if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.product} == ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then rsync -aq $z ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SNAPNAME} rsync -aq ${z}.MD5 ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SNAPNAME}.MD5 fi fi z="" fi # if component zips exist, copy repository.zip (or site_assembly.zip) too for z in $(find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/*/site/target -type f -name "repository.zip" -o -name "site_assembly.zip"); do y=${z%%/site/target/*}; y=${y##*/} if [[ $y != "aggregate" ]] && [[ $y != "product" ]]; then # prevent duplicate nested sites for aggregate (JBT) and product (JBDS) builds #echo "[$y] $z ..." # unzip into workspace for publishing as unpacked site mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/$y unzip -u -o -q -d ${STAGINGDIR}/$y $z # copy into workspace for access by bucky aggregator (same name every time) # generate MD5 sum for zip (file contains only the hash, not the hash + filename) for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done rsync -aq $z ${STAGINGDIR}/${y}${SUFFNAME} rsync -aq ${z}.MD5 ${STAGINGDIR}/${y}${SUFFNAME}.MD5 fi done # if installer jars exist (should be 2 installers, 2 md5sums) for z in $(find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/installer/target -type f -name "jboss-devstudio*-installer*.jar*"); do mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/installer/ rsync -aq $z ${STAGINGDIR}/installer/ done # unless this is a product build, if zips exist produced & renamed by ant script, copy them too if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.product} == ${JOB_NAME} ]] && [[ ! -f ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SNAPNAME} ]]; then for z in $(find ${WORKSPACE} -maxdepth 5 -mindepth 3 -name "*updatesite-*.zip" | sort | tail -1); do #echo "$z ..." if [[ -f $z ]]; then mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all unzip -u -o -q -d ${STAGINGDIR}/all/ $z # generate MD5 sum for zip (file contains only the hash, not the hash + filename) for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done rsync -aq $z ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SNAPNAME} rsync -aq ${z}.MD5 ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SNAPNAME}.MD5 fi done fi foundSourcesZip=0 # put the JBDS sources into the /installer/ folder for z in $(find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/sources/target -type f -name "jbdevstudio-product-sources-*.zip"); do for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/installer/ rsync -aq $z ${z}.MD5 ${STAGINGDIR}/installer/ foundSourcesZip=1 done if [[ $foundSourcesZip -eq 0 ]]; then # create sources zip pushd ${WORKSPACE}/sources mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]] && [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips ]]; then srczipname=${SRCSNAME/-Sources-/-Additional-Sources-} else srczipname=${SRCSNAME} fi zip ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${srczipname} -q -r * -x hudson_workspace\* -x documentation\* -x download.jboss.org\* -x requirements\* \ -x workingset\* -x labs\* -x build\* -x \*test\* -x \*target\* -x \*.class -x \*classes\* -x \*bin\* -x \*.zip \ -x \*docs\* -x \*reference\* -x \*releng\* -x \*.git\* -x \*/lib/\*.jar -x \*getRemoteFile\* popd z=${STAGINGDIR}/all/${srczipname}; for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done fi # JBDS-1992 create results page in installer/ folder, including update site zip, sources zip, and installers if [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/results/target ]]; then mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/installer/ rsync -aq ${WORKSPACE}/sources/product/results/target/* ${STAGINGDIR}/installer/ fi # collect component zips from upstream aggregated build jobs if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]] && [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips ]]; then mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/components for z in $(find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips -name "*updatesite-*.zip"); do # generate MD5 sum for zip (file contains only the hash, not the hash + filename) for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done mv $z ${z}.MD5 ${STAGINGDIR}/components done # TODO :: JBIDE-9870 When we have a -Update-Sources- zip, this can be removed mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all/sources # OLD: unpack component source zips like jbosstools-pi4soa-3.1_trunk-Sources-SNAPSHOT.zip or jbosstools-3.2_trunk.component--ws-Sources-SNAPSHOT.zip # NEW: JBIDE-16632: unpack component source zips like jbosstools-base_Alpha2-v20140221-1555-B437_184e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4_sources.zip for z in $(find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips -name "*Sources*.zip" -o -name "*_sources.zip" -o -name "*-src.zip"); do zn=${z%*-Sources*.zip}; zn=${zn%*_sources.zip}; zn=${zn%*-src.zip}; zn=${zn#*--}; zn=${zn##*/}; zn=${zn#jbosstools-}; # zn=${zn%_trunk}; zn=${zn%_stable_branch}; mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all/sources/${zn}/ # remove one level of folder nesting - don't want an extra jbosstools-base-184e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4 folder under jbosstools-base_Alpha2-v20140221-1555-B437_184e18cc3ac7c339ce406974b6a4917f73909cc4 unzip -qq -o -d ${tmpdir}/${zn}/ $z mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all/sources/${zn}/ mv ${tmpdir}/${zn}/jbosstools-*/* ${STAGINGDIR}/all/sources/${zn}/ rm -fr ${tmpdir}/${zn}/ done # add component sources into sources zip pushd ${STAGINGDIR}/all/sources zip ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SRCSNAME} -q -r * -x hudson_workspace\* -x documentation\* -x download.jboss.org\* -x requirements\* \ -x workingset\* -x labs\* -x build\* -x \*test\* -x \*target\* -x \*.class -x \*classes\* -x \*bin\* -x \*.zip \ -x \*docs\* -x \*reference\* -x \*releng\* -x \*.git\* -x \*/lib/\*.jar -x \*getRemoteFile\* popd rm -fr ${STAGINGDIR}/all/sources z=${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SRCSNAME}; for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done # JBIDE-7444 get aggregate metadata xml properties file if [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips/build.properties.all.xml ]]; then rsync -aq ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/zips/build.properties.all.xml ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/ fi fi # JBIDE-9870 check if there's a sources update site and rename it if found (note, bottests-site/site/sources won't work; use bottests-site/souces) for z in $(find ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/*/sources/target/ -name "repository.zip" -o -name "site_assembly.zip"); do echo "Collect sources from update site in $z" mv $z ${STAGINGDIR}/all/${SRCSNAME/-src/-updatesite-src} for m in $(md5sum ${z}); do if [[ $m != ${z} ]]; then echo $m > ${z}.MD5; fi; done done # generate list of zips in this job METAFILE=zip.list.txt echo "ALL_ZIPS = \\" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} for z in $(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*updatesite-*.zip") $(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip"); do # list zips in staging dir echo "${z##${STAGINGDIR}/},\\" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} done echo "" >> ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/${METAFILE} # generate md5sums in a single file pushd ${STAGINGDIR} >/dev/null md5sumsFile=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/md5sums.txt echo "# Update Site Zips" > ${md5sumsFile} echo "# ----------------" >> ${md5sumsFile} md5sum $(find . -name "*updatesite-*.zip" | egrep -v -i "aggregate-Sources|src|nightly-update") >> ${md5sumsFile} echo " " >> ${md5sumsFile} echo "# Source Zips" >> ${md5sumsFile} echo "# -----------" >> ${md5sumsFile} md5sum $(find . -iname "*src*.zip" | egrep -v -i "aggregate-Sources|src|nightly-update") >> ${md5sumsFile} echo " " >> ${md5sumsFile} popd >/dev/null mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/logs # copy generated aggregate build results page into root of staging dir if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]] && [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/target/results.html ]]; then cp -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/aggregate/site/target/results.html ${STAGINGDIR}/index.html fi # purge duplicate zip files in logs/zips/all/*.zip if [[ -d ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/zips ]]; then rm -f $(find ${STAGINGDIR}/logs/zips -type f -name "*.zip"); fi # ${bl} is full build log; see above mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/logs # filter out Maven test failures fl=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/FAIL_LOG.txt # ignore warning lines and checksum failures sed -ne "/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p" ${bl} | sed -ne "/<<< FAI/,+9 p" | sed -e "/AILURE/,+9 s/\(.\+AILURE.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g" > ${fl} sed -ne "/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p" ${bl} | sed -ne "/ FAI/ p" | sed -e "/AILURE \[/ s/\(.\+AILURE \[.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g" >> ${fl} sed -ne "/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p" ${bl} | sed -ne "/ SKI/ p" | sed -e "/KIPPED \[/ s/\(.\+KIPPED \[.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g" >> ${fl} fc=$(sed -ne "/FAI\|LURE/ p" ${fl} | wc -l) if [[ $fc != "0" ]]; then echo "" >> ${fl}; echo -n "FAI" >> ${fl}; echo -n "LURES FOUND: "$fc >> ${fl}; fi fc=$(sed -ne "/KIPPED/ p" ${fl} | wc -l) if [[ $fc != "0" ]]; then echo "" >> ${fl}; echo -n "SKI" >> ${fl}; echo -n "PS FOUND: "$fc >> ${fl}; fi el=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/ERRORLOG.txt # ignore warning lines and checksum failures sed -ne "/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p" ${bl} | sed -ne "/<<< ERR/,+9 p" | sed -e "/RROR/,+9 s/\(.\+RROR.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g" > ${el} sed -ne "/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p" ${bl} | sed -ne "/\[ERR/,+2 p" | sed -e "/ROR\] Fai/,+2 s/\(.\+ROR\] Fai.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g" >> ${el} ec=$(sed -ne "/ERR\|RROR/ p" ${el} | wc -l) if [[ $ec != "0" ]]; then echo "" >> ${el}; echo -n "ERR" >> ${el}; echo "ORS FOUND: "$ec >> ${el}; fi # publish to download.jboss.org, unless errors found - avoid destroying last-good update site if [[ $ec == "0" ]] && [[ $fc == "0" ]]; then # publish build dir (including update sites/zips/logs/metadata if [[ -d ${STAGINGDIR} ]]; then # if an aggregate build, put output elsewhere on disk if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then # JBIDE-18102 # echo "" > $tmpdir/latestBuild.html if [[ ${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX} ]]; then date # create folders if not already there if [[ ${DESTINATION##*@*:*} == "" ]]; then # user@server, do remote op seg="."; for d in ${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX//\// }; do seg=$seg/$d; echo -e "mkdir ${seg:2}" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/nightly/; done; seg="" else mkdir -p $DESTINATION/builds/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX} fi date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/* $DESTINATION/builds/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX}/${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER}/ # sftp only works with user@server, not with local $DESTINATIONS, so use rsync to push symlink instead # echo -e "rm latest\nln ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER} latest" | sftp ${DESTINATIONREDUX}/builds/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX}/ pushd $tmpdir >/dev/null; ln -s ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER} latest; rsync --protocol=28 -l latest ${DESTINATION}/builds/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX}/; rm -f latest; popd >/dev/null # JBIDE-18102 # date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete $tmpdir/latestBuild.html $DESTINATION/builds/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX}/ else # JBIDE-18102 # date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete $tmpdir/latestBuild.html $DESTINATION/builds/nightly/${JOBNAMEREDUX}/ # sftp only works with user@server, not with local $DESTINATIONS, so use rsync to push symlink instead # echo -e "rm latest\nln ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER} latest" | sftp ${DESTINATIONREDUX}/builds/nightly/${JOBNAMEREDUX}/ pushd $tmpdir >/dev/null; ln -s ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER} latest; rsync --protocol=28 -l latest ${DESTINATION}/builds/nightly/${JOBNAMEREDUX}/; rm -f latest; popd >/dev/null date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/* $DESTINATION/builds/nightly/${JOBNAMEREDUX}/${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-B${BUILD_NUMBER}/ fi # JBIDE-18102 # rm -f $tmpdir/latestBuild.html #else # COMMENTED OUT as this uses too much disk space # if a release build, create a named dir #if [[ ${RELEASE} == "Yes" ]]; then # date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/* $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}-${ZIPSUFFIX}/ #fi fi # and create/replace a snapshot dir w/ static URL date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/* $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next # 1. To recursively purge contents of .../staging.previous/foobar/ folder: # mkdir -p $tmpdir/foobar; # rsync -aPrz --delete $tmpdir/foobar tools@filemgmt.jboss.org:/downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/staging.previous/ # 2. To then remove entire .../staging.previous/foobar/ folder: # echo -e "rmdir foobar" | sftp tools@filemgmt.jboss.org:/downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/staging.previous/ # rmdir $tmpdir/foobar # JBIDE-8667 move current to previous; move next to current if [[ ${DESTINATION##*@*:*} == "" ]]; then # user@server, do remote op # create folders if not already there (could be empty) echo -e "mkdir ${JOB_NAME}" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging/ echo -e "mkdir ${JOB_NAME}" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/ #echo -e "mkdir ${JOB_NAME}.2" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/ # IF using .2 folders, purge contents of /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2 and remove empty dir # NOTE: comment out next section - should only purge one staging.previous/* folder #mkdir -p $tmpdir/${JOB_NAME}.2 #rsync -arzq --delete --protocol=28 $tmpdir/${JOB_NAME}.2 $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/ #echo -e "rmdir ${JOB_NAME}.2" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/ #rmdir $tmpdir/${JOB_NAME}.2 # OR, purge contents of /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} and remove empty dir mkdir -p $tmpdir/${JOB_NAME} rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete $tmpdir/${JOB_NAME} $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/ echo -e "rmdir ${JOB_NAME}" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/ rmdir $tmpdir/${JOB_NAME} # move contents of /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} into /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2 #echo -e "rename ${JOB_NAME} ${JOB_NAME}.2" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/ # move contents of /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} into /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} echo -e "rename ${JOB_NAME} ../staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging/ # move contents of /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next into /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} echo -e "rename ${JOB_NAME}.next ${JOB_NAME}" | sftp $DESTINATION/builds/staging/ else # work locally # create folders if not already there (could be empty) mkdir -p $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} mkdir -p $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} #mkdir -p $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2 # purge contents of /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2 and remove empty dir # NOTE: comment out next section - should only purge one staging.previous/* folder #rm -fr $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2/ # OR, purge contents of /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} and remove empty dir rm -fr $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}/ # move contents of /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} into /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2 #mv $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2 # move contents of /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} into /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} mv $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} $DESTINATION/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} # move contents of /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next into /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} mv $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} fi # generate 2 ${STAGINGDIR}/all/composite*.xml files which will point at: # /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/all/repo/ # /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}/all/repo/ # /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}.2/all/repo/ now=$(date +%s000) mkdir -p ${STAGINGDIR}/all echo " " > ${STAGINGDIR}/all/compositeContent.xml echo " " > ${STAGINGDIR}/all/compositeArtifacts.xml metadata=" " echo $metadata >> ${STAGINGDIR}/all/compositeContent.xml echo $metadata >> ${STAGINGDIR}/all/compositeArtifacts.xml date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 ${STAGINGDIR}/all/composite*.xml $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/all/ # create a snapshot dir outside Hudson which is file:// accessible mkdir -p $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next/ date; rsync -arzq --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/* $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next/ # cycle internal copy of ${JOB_NAME} in staging and staging.previous mkdir -p $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/ # purge contents of /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} and remove empty dir rm -fr $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME}/ # move contents of /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} into /builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} mv $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging.previous/${JOB_NAME} # move contents of /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next into /builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} mv $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}.next $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME} fi # extra publish step for aggregate update sites ONLY if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then if [[ ${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX} ]]; then # create folders if not already there if [[ ${DESTINATION##*@*:*} == "" ]]; then # user@server, do remote op seg="."; for d in ${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX//\// }; do seg=$seg/$d; echo -e "mkdir ${seg:2}" | sftp $DESTINATION/updates/nightly/; done; seg="" else mkdir -p $DESTINATION/updates/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX} fi date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo/* $DESTINATION/updates/nightly/${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX}/ else date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/all/repo/* $DESTINATION/updates/nightly/${JOBNAMEREDUX}/ fi echo ">> ${PUBLISHEDSITE} <<" fi fi date # purge org.jboss.tools metadata from local m2 repo (assumes job is configured with -Dmaven.repo.local=${WORKSPACE}/m2-repo) if [[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/m2-repo/org/jboss/tools ]]; then rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/m2-repo/org/jboss/tools fi # publish updated log bl=${STAGINGDIR}/logs/BUILDLOG.txt rm -f ${bl} getRemoteFile "https://studio-jenkins-csb-codeready.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/consoleText"; if [[ -w ${getRemoteFileReturn} ]]; then mv ${getRemoteFileReturn} ${bl}; fi date; rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/logs $DESTINATION/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/ date; rsync -arzq --delete ${STAGINGDIR}/logs $INTRNALDEST/builds/staging/${JOB_NAME}/ # purge tmpdir rm -fr $tmpdir # purge getRemoteFile tmpfiles find ${WORKSPACE} -maxdepth 2 -name "getRemoteFile*" -type f -exec rm -f {} \; if [[ ${JOB_NAME/.aggregate} != ${JOB_NAME} ]]; then # regenerate https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/nightly/*/*/composite*.xml files for up to 5 builds, cleaning anything older than 5 days old # new approach using publish script from Nexus via jbosstools-build-ci-scripts_4.3.x if [[ -f ${WORKSPACE}/sources/util/cleanup/jbosstools-cleanup.sh ]]; then cd ${WORKSPACE}/sources/util/cleanup elif [[ ! -f jbosstools-cleanup.sh ]]; then wget -q --no-check-certificate -N https://raw.github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-build-ci/master/util/cleanup/jbosstools-cleanup.sh fi chmod +x jbosstools-cleanup.sh ./jbosstools-cleanup.sh --keep 5 --age-to-delete 5 --childFolderSuffix /all/repo/ fi # to avoid looking for files that are still being synched/nfs-copied, wait a bit before trying to run tests (the next step usually) sleep 15s