REBOL [ Name: "Printer Scheme" Purpose: "Printing support library for Windows/UNIX" Author: "Nenad Rakocevic" Email: File: %printer-scheme.r Version: 0.9.2 Date: 29/09/2008 Needs: [library] License: { Copyright (c) 2011, Nenad Rakocevic. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. o Neither the name of Nenad Rakocevic nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. } History: { o PS wrapper added, GDI wrapper externalized. o Fixed 'end-page command. Now working correctly. } ] gdi-printer-ctx: [ defs: [ caps [ TECHNOLOGY 2 HORZSIZE 4 VERTSIZE 6 HORZRES 8 VERTRES 10 LOGPIXELSX 88 LOGPIXELSY 90 BITSPIXEL 12 PDEVICESIZE 26 CLIPCAPS 36 RASTERCAPS 38 SIZEPALETTE 104 NUMRESERVED 106 COLORRES 108 PHYSICALWIDTH 110 PHYSICALHEIGHT 111 PHYSICALOFFSETX 112 PHYSICALOFFSETY 113 SCALINGFACTORX 114 SCALINGFACTORY 115 VREFRESH 116 DESKTOPHORZRES 118 DESKTOPVERTRES 117 BLTALIGNMENT 119 ] dt [ LEFT 0 TOP 0 CENTER 1 RIGHT 2 VCENTER 4 BOTTOM 8 WORDBREAK 16 SINGLELINE 32 EXPANDTABS 64 TABSTOP 128 NOCLIP 256 EXTERNALLEADING 512 CALCRECT 1024 NOPREFIX 2048 INTERNAL 4096 EDITCONTROL 8192 PATH_ELLIPSIS 16384 END_ELLIPSIS 32768 MODIFYSTRING 65536 RTLREADING 131072 WORD_ELLIPSIS 262144 ] pen [ solid 0 dash 1 dot 2 dashdot 3 dashdotdot 4 null 5 insideframe 6 userstyle 7 alternate 8 endcap_round 0 endcap_square 256 endcap_flat 512 join-round 0 join-bevel 4096 join-miter 8192 ] stock [ white-brush 0 lt-gray-brush 1 gray-brush 2 dk-gray-brush 3 black-brush 4 null-brush 5 hollow-brush 5 white-pen 6 black-pen 7 null-pen 8 system-font 13 default-palette 15 ] printer-enum [ local 2 connections 4 remote 16 ] misc [ DIB_RGB_COLORS 0 SRCCOPY 13369376 DM_OUT_BUFFER 2 ] ] kernel32: load/library %kernel32.dll gdi32: load/library %gdi32.dll user32: load/library %user32.dll winspool: load/library %winspool.drv ; === General API === int: :to-integer FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM: int #{00001000} FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS: int #{00000200} fmt-msg-flags: FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM or FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS GetLastError: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] kernel32 "GetLastError" FormatMessage: make routine! [ dwFlags [integer!] lpSource [integer!] dwMessageId [integer!] dwLanguageId [integer!] lpBuffer [string!] nSize [integer!] Arguments [integer!] return: [integer!] ] kernel32 "FormatMessageA" ; === Printer API === _RECT: make struct! struct-rect: [ left [integer!] top [integer!] right [integer!] bottom [integer!] ] none DOC_INFO: make struct! struct-doc-info: [ [save] cbSize [integer!] lpszDocName [string!] lpszOutput [integer!] lpszDatatype [integer!] fwType [integer!] ][0 "test" 0 0 0] PRINTER_INFO_4: make struct! [ pPrinterName [string!] pServerName [string!] Attributes [integer!] ] none TEXTMETRIC: make struct! struct-text-metric: [ tmHeight [long] tmAscent [long] tmDescent [long] tmInternalLeading [long] tmExternalLeading [long] tmAveCharWidth [long] tmMaxCharWidth [long] tmWeight [long] tmOverhang [long] tmDigitizedAspectX [long] tmDigitizedAspectY [long] tmFirstChar [char] tmLastChar [char] tmDefaultChar [char] tmBreakChar [char] tmItalic [char] tmUnderlined [char] tmStruckOut [char] tmPitchAndFamily [char] tmCharSet [char] ] none BITMAPINFOHEADER: make struct! bih: [ biSize [long] biWidth [long] biHeight [long] biPlanes [short] biBitCount [short] biCompression [long] biSizeImage [long] biXPelsPerMeter [long] biYPelsPerMeter [long] biClrUsed [long] biClrImportant [long] ] none BITMAPINFO: make struct! struct-bitmap-info: append copy bih [ bmiColors [integer!] ] none GetDefaultPrinter: make routine! [ pszBuffer [string!] pcchBuffer [struct! [low [integer!] high [integer!]]] return: [integer!] ] winspool "GetDefaultPrinterA" OpenPrinter: make routine! [ pPrinterName [string!] phPrinter [struct! [ptr [integer!]]] pDefault [integer!] return: [integer!] ] winspool "OpenPrinterA" EnumPrinters: make routine! [ Flags [integer!] Name [integer!] Level [integer!] pPrinterEnum [string!] cbBuf [integer!] pcbNeeded [struct! [n [integer!]]] pcReturned [struct! [n [integer!]]] return: [integer!] ] winspool "EnumPrintersA" ClosePrinter: make routine! compose/deep [ hPrinter [integer!] return: [integer!] ] winspool "ClosePrinter" StartDoc: make routine! compose/deep [ hdc [integer!] lpdi [struct! [(struct-doc-info)]] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "StartDocA" StartPage: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "StartPage" EndPage: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "EndPage" EndDoc: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "EndDoc" CreateDC: make routine! [ lpszDriver [string!] lpszDevice [string!] lpszOutput [integer!] lpInitData [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "CreateDCA" DeleteDC: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "DeleteDC" TextOut: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] nXStart [integer!] nYStart [integer!] lpString [string!] cbString [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "TextOutA" DrawText: make routine! compose/deep [ hdc [integer!] lpString [string!] nCount [integer!] lpRect [struct! [(struct-rect)]] uFormat [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32 "DrawTextA" SetTextColor: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] crColor [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "SetTextColor" MoveToEx: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] X [integer!] Y [integer!] lpPoint [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "MoveToEx" LineTo: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] nXEnd [integer!] nYEnd [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "LineTo" Arc: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] nLeftRect [integer!] nTopRect [integer!] nRightRect [integer!] nBottomRect [integer!] nXRadial1 [integer!] nYRadial1 [integer!] nXRadial2 [integer!] nYRadial2 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "Arc" Pie: make routine! third :Arc gdi32 "Pie" Rectangle: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] nLeftRect [integer!] nTopRect [integer!] nRightRect [integer!] nBottomRect [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "Rectangle" CreatePen: make routine! [ fnPenStyle [integer!] nWidth [integer!] crColor [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "CreatePen" CreateSolidBrush: make routine! [ crColor [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "CreateSolidBrush" GetDCBrushColor: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "GetDCBrushColor" GetDCPenColor: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "GetDCPenColor" GetTextColor: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "GetTextColor" GetStockObject: make routine! [ fnObject [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "GetStockObject" SelectObject: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] hgdiobj [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "SelectObject" DeleteObject: make routine! [ hgdiobj [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "DeleteObject" StretchDIBits: make routine! compose/deep [ hdc [integer!] XDest [integer!] YDest [integer!] nDestWidth [integer!] nDestHeight [integer!] XSrc [integer!] YSrc [integer!] nSrcWidth [integer!] nSrcHeight [integer!] lpBits [string!] lpBitsInfo [struct! [(struct-bitmap-info)]] iUsage [integer!] dwRop [long] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "StretchDIBits" CreateFont: make routine! [ nHeight [integer!] nWidth [integer!] nEscapement [integer!] nOrientation [integer!] fnWeight [integer!] fdwItalic [integer!] fdwUnderline [integer!] fdwStrikeOut [integer!] fdwCharSet [integer!] fdwOutputPrecision [integer!] fdwClipPrecision [integer!] fdwQuality [integer!] fdwPitchAndFamily [integer!] lpszFace [string!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "CreateFontA" GetTextMetrics: make routine! compose/deep [ hdc [integer!] lptm [struct! [(struct-text-metric)]] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "GetTextMetricsA" GetDeviceCaps: make routine! [ hdc [integer!] nIndex [integer!] return: [integer!] ] gdi32 "GetDeviceCaps" ; === Helper functions ==== locals: none rect: make struct! _RECT none make-null-string!: func [len [integer!]][ head insert/dup make string! len null len ] get-error-msg: has [out][ out: make-null-string! 256 FormatMessage fmt-msg-flags 0 GetLastError 0 out 256 0 trim/tail out ] try*: func [body [block!] /quiet /local res][ if all [zero? res: do body not quiet][ print reduce [mold first body "failed :" get-error-msg] ] res ] to-xdpi: func [v [integer!]][ to integer! v * locals/caps/LOGPIXELSX / 25.4 * locals/scale/x / 100 ] to-ydpi: func [v [integer!]][ to integer! v * locals/caps/LOGPIXELSY / 25.4 * locals/scale/y / 100 ] to-pt-dpi: func [v][ negate to integer! v * locals/caps/LOGPIXELSY / 72 * locals/scale/y / 100 ] to-bgr: func [c [tuple! word!]][ if word? c [c: get c] (c/3 * 65536) + (c/2 * 256) + c/1 ] to-tuple: func [bgr [integer!]][ to tuple! reduce [ 255 and bgr 255 and shift bgr 8 255 and shift bgr 16 ] ] update-obj: func [type [word!] /local obj][ obj: locals/:type if obj/dirty? [ if obj/handle [try* [DeleteObject obj/handle]] obj/handle: switch type [ pen [CreatePen obj/style to-pt-dpi obj/width to-bgr obj/color] brush [CreateSolidBrush to-bgr obj/color] ] SelectObject locals/hDC obj/handle obj/dirty?: no ] ] reset-obj: func [type [word!] /local obj][ obj: locals/:type if obj/handle [ SelectObject locals/hDC GetStockObject select defs/stock pick [null-pen null-brush] type = 'pen try* [DeleteObject obj/handle] ] obj/handle: none obj/dirty?: no ] enum: has [out buf flags needed ret cmd pi4 len buf*][ out: make block! 4 buf: make-null-string! 1024 needed: make struct! [n [integer!]] none ret: make struct! needed none flags: defs/printer-enum/local or defs/printer-enum/connections try* cmd: [EnumPrinters flags 0 4 buf 1024 needed ret] pi4: make struct! PRINTER_INFO_4 none len: length? buf*: third pi4 if 1024 < (ret/n * len) [ buf: make string! ret/n * len try* cmd ] loop ret/n [ change/part buf* buf at buf len ret: second pi4 repend out ret/1 append/only out next ret poke ret 3 pick [remote local] zero? ret/3 and 64 buf: at buf len + 1 ] buf: none new-line/skip out on 2 ] init: func [/with prn-name /local len buf size][ either prn-name [ locals/name: prn-name ][ size: make struct! [low [integer!] high [integer!]] reduce [128 0] try* [GetDefaultPrinter locals/name size] clear find locals/name null ] locals/hDC: try* [CreateDC "WINSPOOL" locals/name 0 0] ; caps => object with rebol-style names locals/caps: reduce [ 'LOGPIXELSX GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/LOGPIXELSX 'LOGPIXELSY GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/LOGPIXELSY 'PHYSICALWIDTH GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/PHYSICALWIDTH 'PHYSICALHEIGHT GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/PHYSICALHEIGHT 'PHYSICALOFFSETX GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/PHYSICALOFFSETX 'PHYSICALOFFSETY GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/PHYSICALOFFSETY 'HORZRES GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/HORZRES 'VERTRES GetDeviceCaps locals/hDC defs/caps/VERTRES ] if locals/auto-fit?/x = 1 [ locals/scale/x: to integer! 100 * locals/caps/HORZRES / locals/caps/PHYSICALWIDTH + .5 ] if locals/auto-fit?/y = 1 [ locals/scale/y: to integer! 100 * locals/caps/VERTRES / locals/caps/PHYSICALHEIGHT + .5 ] reset-defaults ] reset-defaults: does [ clear locals/font-cache locals/cur-font: face/font locals/pen: copy [ handle #[none] style 0 width 1 color 0.0.0 color2 0.0.0 dirty? #[false] ] locals/brush: copy [ handle #[none] color 255.255.255 dirty? #[false] ] locals/session: [ started? [#[false] #[false]] pages 0 doc-name "no-name" ] clear locals/pages locals/pen/color: to-tuple GetDCPenColor locals/hDC locals/brush/color: to-tuple GetDCBrushColor locals/hDC SelectObject locals/hDC GetStockObject defs/stock/null-brush ] draw-image: func [ img [image! word!] pos [pair! none!] size [pair! none!] /local data out len pad pad-sz ][ if word? img [img: get img] ;-- RGB->GRB conversion data: img forall data [change/only data reverse/part data/1 2 2] data: img/rgb ;-- padding each scanline (4 bytes aligned) len: 3 * img/size/x pad: all [ not zero? pad-sz: len // 4 head insert/dup copy #{} null 4 - pad-sz ] out: make string! img/size/y * pad-sz + length? data repeat y img/size/y [ insert/part tail out at data (y - 1) * len len if pad [insert tail out pad] ] BITMAPINFO/biSize: length? third BITMAPINFOHEADER BITMAPINFO/biWidth: img/size/x BITMAPINFO/biHeight: negate img/size/y BITMAPINFO/biPlanes: 1 BITMAPINFO/biBitCount: 24 ; Todo: convert img/size (px) to log.units try* [ StretchDIBits locals/hDC to-xdpi pos/x to-ydpi pos/y to-xdpi to integer! img/size/x * locals/scale/x / 400 ; hacked conversion to-ydpi to integer! img/size/y * locals/scale/y / 400 ; hacked conversion 0 0 img/size/x img/size/y out BITMAPINFO defs/misc/DIB_RGB_COLORS defs/misc/SRCCOPY ] ] draw-text: func [txt [string!] pos [pair!]][ try* [TextOut locals/hDC to-xdpi pos/1 to-ydpi pos/2 txt length? txt] ] draw-text-box: func [txt [string!] pos [pair!] sz [pair!] opts [block! none!] /local v][ rect/left: to-xdpi pos/x rect/top: to-ydpi pos/y rect/right: to-xdpi pos/x + sz/x rect/bottom: to-ydpi pos/y + sz/y v: defs/dt/NOPREFIX or defs/dt/EXPANDTABS if not all [opts find opts 'no-wrap][v: v or defs/dt/WORDBREAK] v: v or any [select defs/dt locals/cur-font/align 0] v: v or any [ either locals/cur-font/valign = 'center [defs/dt/VCENTER][ select defs/dt locals/cur-font/valign ] 0 ] try* [DrawText locals/hDC txt -1 rect v] ] draw-line: func [pos [pair!] pos2 [pair!]][ update-obj 'pen try* [MoveToEx locals/hDC to-xdpi pos/x to-ydpi pos/y 0] try* [LineTo locals/hDC to-xdpi pos2/x to-ydpi pos2/y] ] draw-box: func [pos [pair!] pos2 [pair!]][ update-obj 'pen update-obj 'brush try* [Rectangle locals/hDC to-xdpi pos/x to-ydpi pos/y to-xdpi pos2/x to-ydpi pos2/y] ] draw-arc: func [center [pair!] radius [pair!] beg [decimal!] len [decimal!] closed [logic!] /local cmd][ update-obj 'pen update-obj 'brush ;beg: beg - 180 cmd: [ ? locals/hDC to-xdpi center/x - radius/x to-ydpi center/y - radius/y to-xdpi center/x + radius/x to-ydpi center/y + radius/y to-xdpi to integer! center/x + (radius/x * cosine beg) to-ydpi to integer! center/y - (radius/y * sine beg) to-xdpi to integer! center/x + (radius/x * cosine beg + len) to-ydpi to integer! center/y - (radius/y * sine beg + len) ] poke cmd 1 pick [Pie Arc] to logic! closed try* cmd ] set-font: func [obj [word! object!] /local v fnt][ if any-word? obj [obj: get obj] if not fnt: select locals/font-cache obj [ v: obj/style fnt: try* [ CreateFont to-pt-dpi obj/size 0 0 0 either any [v = 'bold all [series? v find v 'bold]][700][400] either any [v = 'italic all [series? v find v 'italic]][-1][0] either any [v = 'underline all [series? v find v 'underline]][-1][0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 obj/name ] repend locals/font-cache [obj fnt] ] try* [SelectObject locals/hDC fnt] if locals/cur-font/color <> obj/color [SetTextColor locals/hDC to-bgr obj/color] locals/cur-font: obj ] set-pen: func [c1 [tuple! word!] c2 [tuple! none!]][ locals/pen/color: c1 if c2 [locals/pen/color2: c2] locals/pen/dirty?: yes ] set-fill: func [c1 [tuple! word!]][ either c1 = 'none [ printer/reset-obj 'brush ][ locals/brush/color: c1 locals/brush/dirty?: yes ] ] set-line-width: func [size [integer!]][ locals/pen/width: size locals/pen/dirty?: yes ] get-font-metrics: has [fnt][ try* [GetTextMetrics locals/hDC TEXTMETRIC] TEXTMETRIC ] get-drawable-size: func [/mm /local caps][ caps: locals/caps as-pair either mm [caps/HORZRES * 254 / caps/LOGPIXELSX / 10][caps/HORZRES] either mm [caps/VERTRES * 254 / caps/LOGPIXELSY / 10][caps/VERTRES] ] start-doc: func [/title name][ if title [DOC_INFO/lpszDocName: name] DOC_INFO/cbSize: length? third DOC_INFO try* [StartDoc locals/hDC DOC_INFO] locals/cur-font: face/font ] start-page: does [try* [StartPage locals/hDC]] end-page: does [try* [EndPage locals/hDC]] end-doc: does [try* [EndDoc locals/hDC]] make-locals: does [ context [ hDC: none hPrinter: make struct! [ptr [integer!]] none name: make-null-string! 128 caps: none ; printer metrics scale: 100x100 ; scaling X and Y factors auto-fit?: 1x1 ; auto-scaling in X and Y to fit in drawable area (0x0 disables it) font-cache: make hash! 8 cur-font: face/font pen: copy [ handle #[none] style 0 width 1 color 0.0.0 color2 0.0.0 dirty? #[false] ] brush: copy [ handle #[none] color 255.255.255 dirty? #[false] ] session: [ started? [#[false] #[false]] pages 0 doc-name "no-name" ] pages: make block! 1 ] ] close: does [ SelectObject locals/hDC 0 ;-- release last selected handle foreach [obj hfnt] locals/font-cache [try* [DeleteObject hfnt]] if locals/pen/handle [try* [DeleteObject locals/pen/handle]] if locals/brush/handle [try* [DeleteObject locals/brush/handle]] clear locals/font-cache try* [DeleteDC locals/hDC] ] ] ;==================================================================================== ps-printer-ctx: [ context [ ; -- %addr.r library inlined (author: Romano Paolo Tenca) ; -- original version: mode: get-modes system:// 'endian set 'addr-to-int func [b [binary!] /endian lmode [word!]][ to integer! either 'little = any [lmode mode][head reverse copy b][b] ] set '& func [b [binary! string! struct!]][ third make struct! [s [string!]] reduce [either struct? b [third b][b]] ] set 'cast* func [pointer [binary!] type [block!] /local spec n][ spec: copy/deep [inner [struct! []]] n: 1 if all [integer? type/1 block? type/2][n: type/1 type: type/2] loop n [ either integer? type/1 [ foreach [size type] type [ insert/dup tail spec/2/2 reduce ['. reduce [type]] size ] ][insert spec/2/2 type] ] spec: make struct! spec none change third spec pointer spec/inner ] ] libcups: load/library switch system/version/4 [ 2 [%/usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib] 4 [%/usr/lib/] ] cups_option_s: make struct! struct-option-s: [ name [string!] value [string!] ] none cups_dest_s: make struct! struct-dest-s: [ name [string!] instance [string!] is_default [integer!] num_options [integer!] cups_option_s [integer!] ] none ppd_size_s: make struct! struct-size-s: [ marked [int] name1 [decimal!] ; hack : 8 bytes placeholder name2 [decimal!] ; hack : 8 bytes placeholder name3 [decimal!] ; hack : 8 bytes placeholder name4 [decimal!] ; hack : 8 bytes placeholder name5 [decimal!] ; hack : 8 bytes placeholder name6 [char] ; hack : 1 byte placeholder width [float] length [float] left [float] bottom [float] right [float] top [float] ] none cupsGetDefault: make routine! [ return: [char*] ] libcups "cupsGetDefault" cupsGetDests: make routine! compose/deep [ dests [struct! [dest [char*]]] return: [integer!] ] libcups "cupsGetDests" cupsFreeDests: make routine! [ num_dests [integer!] dests [integer!] ] libcups "cupsFreeDests" cupsPrintFile: make routine! [ name [string!] filename [string!] title [string!] num_options [integer!] options [integer!] return: [integer!] ] libcups "cupsPrintFile" cupsGetPPD: make routine! [ name [string!] return: [string!] ] libcups "cupsGetPPD" ppdOpenFile: make routine! [ filename [string!] return: [integer!] ] libcups "ppdOpenFile" ppdPageSize: make routine! compose/deep [ ppd [integer!] name [string!] return: [struct! [(struct-size-s)]] ] libcups "ppdPageSize" ppdClose: make routine! [ ppd [integer!] ] libcups "ppdClose" header: {%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: REBOL Printer scheme %%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments %%BeginSetup mark /ISOLatin1Encoding 8#000 1 8#054 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /minus 8#056 1 8#217 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /dotlessi 8#301 1 8#317 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis /ISOLatin1Encoding where not {256 array astore def} if cleartomark /makeISOEncoded { findfont /curfont exch def /newfont curfont maxlength dict def /ISOLatin1 (-ISOLatin1) def /curfontname curfont /FontName get dup length string cvs def /newfontname curfontname length ISOLatin1 length add string dup 0 curfontname putinterval dup curfontname length ISOLatin1 putinterval def curfont { exch dup /FID ne { dup /Encoding eq { exch pop ISOLatin1Encoding exch } if dup /FontName eq { exch pop newfontname exch } if exch newfont 3 1 roll put } { pop pop } ifelse } forall newfontname newfont definefont } def /Arial makeISOEncoded pop /Arial-Bold makeISOEncoded pop /Arial-Italic makeISOEncoded pop /Arial-BoldItalic makeISOEncoded pop /Times-Roman makeISOEncoded pop /Times-Bold makeISOEncoded pop /Times-Italic makeISOEncoded pop /Times-BoldItalic makeISOEncoded pop /Helvetica makeISOEncoded pop /Helvetica-Bold makeISOEncoded pop /Helvetica-Oblique makeISOEncoded pop /Helvetica-BoldOblique makeISOEncoded pop /Courier makeISOEncoded pop /Courier-Bold makeISOEncoded pop /Courier-Oblique makeISOEncoded pop /Courier-BoldOblique makeISOEncoded pop /ushow % linethick lineposition (string) ushow - { % underlines text % call this (ushow) instead of show when placing text % and the text will be underlined. % pass line thickness and offset with string % ie 0.1 -0.8 (Text) ushow % draws a line 0.1 thick and 0.8 below (-0.8) text position % ie. 10 10 moveto 0.1 -0.8 (Text) ushow gsave exch 0 exch rmoveto dup stringwidth rlineto exch setlinewidth stroke grestore show } bind def /ms {moveto show} bind def /BX { /bx exch def } def /BY { /by exch def } def /SX { /sx exch def } def /SY { /sy exch def } def /LG { /lg exch def } def % linespacing 4 LG /left {/align 0 def} def /right {/align 1 def} def /center {/align 2 def} def left /aright {stringwidth pop sx exch sub 0 rmoveto} def /acenter {stringwidth pop sx exch sub 2 div 0 rmoveto} def /lineprint { bx by y sub moveto str lc pc getinterval dup align 1 eq {aright} if align 2 eq {acenter} if show align 0 eq {pop} if /y y lg add def /lc pc lc add 1 add def } def /parashow { /str exch def %-- save argument string /c 0 def %-- cursor index /lc 0 def %-- last line-break index /y 0 def %-- Y coordinate of current line of text /pc 0 def %-- last white-space index /ex false def { { /c c 1 add def %-- Tail of string reached ? str length lc c add eq { %-- Last line break ? str lc c getinterval stringwidth pop sx ge { lineprint /c c pc sub 1 sub def } if /pc c def %-- Show last line lineprint /ex true def exit } if %-- White space at index lc + c ? str lc c add get 32 eq {exit} if } loop ex {exit} if str lc c getinterval stringwidth pop sx ge {lineprint /c 0 def} if /pc c def } loop } def %%EndSetup /DeviceRGB setcolorspace matrix currentmatrix /originmat exch def /umatrix {originmat matrix concatmatrix setmatrix} def [2.83465 0 0 2.83465 5.05 11.4173] umatrix %5 1.4173 translate /Arial-ISOLatin1 3.5 selectfont 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin } locals: none out: make string! 10'000 to-y-ps: func [y [number!]][297 - y] update-obj: func [type [word!] /local obj][ obj: locals/:type if obj/dirty? [ switch type [ pen [set-color obj/color] ] obj/dirty?: no ] ] reset-obj: func [type [word!] /local obj][ obj: locals/:type obj/handle: none obj/dirty?: no ] set-color: func [c [tuple! word!]][ if word? c [c: get c] repend out [ mold c/1 / 255 #" " mold c/2 / 255 #" " mold c/3 / 255 " setcolor^/" ] ] move-to: func [pos [pair!]][ repend out [pos/x #" " pos/y " moveto^/"] ] draw-text: func [txt [string!] pos [pair!]][ insert tail out "gsave newpath^/" pos/y: (to-y-ps pos/y) - 3 repend out [#"(" txt ") " pos/x #" " pos/y " ms^/grestore^/"] ] draw-text-box: func [txt [string!] pos [pair!] sz [pair!]][ insert tail out "gsave newpath^/" insert tail out mold locals/cur-font/align insert tail out newline pos/y: (to-y-ps pos/y) - 3 move-to pos repend out [ sz/x " SX " sz/y " SY " pos/x " BX " pos/y " BY^/" #"(" txt ") parashow^/grestore^/" ] ] draw-line: func [pos [pair!] pos2 [pair!]][ insert tail out "gsave newpath^/" pos/y: to-y-ps pos/y pos2/y: to-y-ps pos2/y move-to pos repend out [ pos2/x #" " pos2/y " lineto^/" "stroke^/grestore^/" ] ] draw-arc: func [pos [pair!] rad [pair!] c1 [decimal!] c2 [decimal!] opts /local arc fill?][ insert tail out "gsave newpath^/" pos/y: to-y-ps pos/y c2: c1 + c2 if rad/x <> rad/y [ if zero? rad/y [rad/y: 1] repend out [ ; !! Not working !! 1 #" " rad/x / rad/y " scale^/" ] ] arc: [ pos/x #" " pos/y #" " rad/x #" " c1 #" " c2 " arc^/" pick ["fill^/" "stroke^/"] fill? ] update-obj 'pen either not opts [ fill?: no repend out arc ;-- draw arc ][ if fill?: locals/fill/active? [set-color locals/fill/color] move-to pos repend out arc ;-- fill pie if all [fill? locals/pen/color <> locals/fill/color][ set-color locals/pen/color move-to pos fill?: no repend out arc ;-- draw pie edges ] move-to pos repend out [ ;-- close pie pos/x + (rad/x * cosine c2) #" " pos/y + (rad/y * sine c2) " lineto^/stroke^/" ] ] insert tail out "grestore^/" ] draw-box: func [pos [pair!] pos2 [pair!] /local box fill?][ pos/y: to-y-ps pos/y pos2/y: to-y-ps pos2/y pos2: pos2 - pos insert tail out "gsave newpath^/" update-obj 'pen if fill?: locals/fill/active? [set-color locals/fill/color] ; needs to be optimized (calling set-color more lazily) move-to pos repend out box: [ pos2/x " 0 rlineto^/0 " pos2/y " rlineto^/" negate pos2/x " 0 rlineto^/closepath^/" pick ["fill^/" "stroke^/"] fill? "grestore^/" ] if locals/pen/color <> locals/fill/color [ insert tail out "gsave newpath^/" set-color locals/pen/color move-to pos fill?: no repend out box ] ] draw-image: func [img [image! word!] pos [pair! none!] pos2 [pair! none!]][ if word? img [img: get img] pos/y: to-y-ps pos/y repend out [ "gsave newpath^/" pos/x #" " pos/y " translate^/" img/size/x / 4 #" " img/size/x / 4 " scale^/" "<<^/^-/ImageType 1^/" "^-/Width " img/size/x " /Height " img/size/y "^/^-/BitsPerComponent 8^/" "^-/Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1]^/" "^-/ImageMatrix [" img/size/x " 0 0 " negate img/size/x " 0 0" "]^/^-/DataSource currentfile /ASCIIHexDecode filter^/" ">>^/image^/^/" ] trim img: enbase/base img/rgb 16 until [ insert/part tail out img 80 insert tail out #"^/" tail? img: skip img 80 ] insert tail out ">^/^/" insert tail out "grestore^/" img: none ] set-font: func [obj [object! word!] /local fnt name v m?][ if any-word? obj [obj: get obj] if not find locals/font-cache obj [append locals/font-cache obj] fnt: locals/cur-font if any [ obj/name <> fnt/name obj/size <> fnt/size obj/style <> fnt/style ][ name: obj/name if name = "Arial" [name: "Helvetica"] repend out [ slash uppercase/part lowercase replace/all name #" " #"-" 1 #"-" ] v: obj/style if any [v = 'bold all [series? v find v 'bold]][ append out "Bold" m?: yes ] if any [v = 'italic all [series? v find v 'italic]][ append out pick ["Oblique" "Italic"] to logic! find [ "Helvetica" "Courier" ] name m?: yes ] ;if any [v = 'underline all [series? v find v 'underline]][] either m? [insert tail out #"-"][ if find name "times" [insert tail out "Times-Roman-"] ] repend out ["ISOLatin1 " 3.5 * obj/size / 10 " selectfont^/"] ] set-color obj/color locals/cur-font: obj ] set-pen: func [c1 [tuple! word!] c2 [tuple! none!]][ locals/pen/color: c1 locals/pen/dirty?: yes ] set-fill: func [c1 [tuple! word!]][ locals/fill/color: c1 locals/fill/dirty?: yes locals/fill/active?: c1 <> 'none ] set-line-width: func [sz [integer!]][ insert tail out sz / 4 insert tail out " setlinewidth^/" ] enum: has [out dests n new][ dests: make struct! [dest [char*]] none n: cupsGetDests dests out: second cast* third dests compose/deep [(n) [(struct-dest-s)]] cupsFreeDests n addr-to-int third dests new: make block! n foreach [a1 a2 a3 a4 a5] out [repend new [a1 reduce [a2 a3 a4 a5]]] new-line/skip new on 2 ] init: func [/with prn-name /local ppd p][ all [ not with none? prn-name: cupsGetDefault make error! "no default printer" ] locals/name: prn-name ppd: ppdOpenFile cupsGetPPD prn-name p: locals/caps: ppdPageSize ppd "A4" ; Paper size hardcoded for now ppdClose ppd locals/scale/x: to integer! 100 * (p/right - p/left) / p/width + .5 locals/scale/y: to integer! 100 * (p/top - p/bottom) / p/length + .5 ] reset-defaults: does [ clear out clear locals/font-cache locals/cur-font: face/font locals/pen: copy* [ style 0 width 1 color 0.0.0 color2 0.0.0 dirty? #[false] ] locals/fill: copy* [ active? #[false] color 255.255.255 dirty? #[false] ] locals/session: [ started? [#[false] #[false]] pages 0 doc-name "no-name" ] clear locals/pages ] start-doc: func [/title name][ if title [locals/session/doc-name: name] clear out insert tail out header repend out [locals/scale/x / 100 " " locals/scale/y / 100 " scale^/"] ] start-page: has [len][ repend out ["%%Page: " len: length? locals/pages " " len newline] ] end-page: does [ append out "showpage^/" ] end-doc: has [file][ file: %/tmp/ write file out cupsPrintFile locals/name form file locals/session/doc-name 0 0 delete file ] close: does [] make-locals: does [ context [ name: none ;out: none ; make out buffer local to the port used!!! caps: none ; printer metrics scale: 100x100 ; scaling X and Y factors auto-fit?: 1x1 ; auto-scaling in X and Y to fit in drawable area (0x0 disables it) font-cache: make hash! 16 cur-font: face/font pen: copy* [ style 0 width 1 color 0.0.0 color2 0.0.0 dirty? #[false] ] fill: copy* [ active? #[false] color 255.255.255 dirty? #[false] ] session: [ started? [#[false] #[false]] pages 0 doc-name "no-name" ] pages: make block! 1 ] ] ] ;==================================================================================== make root-protocol [ scheme: 'printer sw: system/words open*: get in sw 'open copy*: get in sw 'copy insert*: get in sw 'insert close*: get in sw 'close get-modes*: get in sw 'get-modes query*: get in sw 'query net-log: get in net-utils 'net-log open-proto: none port-flags: system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru set 'printer context either system/version/4 = 3 [ ps-printer-ctx: none gdi-printer-ctx ][ gdi-printer-ctx: none ps-printer-ctx ] emit: func [spec [block!] /local pos pos2 txt obj sz opts c1 c2 rad ret][ ret: parse spec [ some [ 'text set txt string! set pos pair! (printer/draw-text txt pos) | 'text-box set txt string! set pos pair! set sz pair! opt [set opts block!] (printer/draw-text-box txt pos sz opts opts: none) | 'line set pos pair! set pos2 pair! (printer/draw-line pos pos2) | 'box set pos pair! set pos2 pair! (printer/draw-box pos pos2) | 'arc set pos pair! set rad pair! set c1 [decimal! | integer!] set c2 [decimal! | integer!] ['closed (opts: yes) | none] (printer/draw-arc pos rad to decimal! c1 to decimal! c2 to-logic opts opts: none) | 'font set obj [word! | object!] (printer/set-font obj) | 'pen set c1 [tuple! | word!] [set c2 tuple! | none] (printer/set-pen c1 c2 c2: none) | 'fill-pen set c1 [tuple! | word!] (printer/set-fill c1) | 'line-width set sz integer! (printer/set-line-width sz) | 'image set obj [image! | word!] opt [set pos [pair!]] opt [set pos2 [pair!]] (printer/draw-image obj pos pos2 pos: pos2: none) | skip ] ] ret ] emit-page: func [spec [block!]][ printer/start-page emit spec printer/end-page ;-- View preview in a window, not very accurate, but works ;forall spec [if pair? spec/1 [change spec spec/1 * 2.5]] ;spec: head spec ;view/new layout compose/deep [ ; size 800x1000 ; origin 0x0 ; backcolor white ; box 800x1000 effect [draw [(spec)]] ;] ] emit-doc: func [spec [block!]][ printer/start-doc printer/emit-page spec printer/end-doc ] ;------- External API ------- init: func [port spec][ if url? spec [net-utils/url-parser/parse-url port spec] port/url: spec port/locals: printer/make-locals port ] open: func [port /local svc psc name][ printer/locals: port/locals port/state/flags: port/state/flags or port-flags psc: port/state/custom either all [psc name: select port/state/custom 'printer][ printer/init/with name ][ printer/init ] if all [psc name: select psc 'doc-name][ port/locals/session/doc-name: name ] ;port/state/tail: 1 ;-- hack to enable 'remove calls port ] insert: func [port spec [word! block!] /local pl direct?][ pl: printer/locals: port/locals if any [ spec = 'start-doc not pl/session/started?/1 ][ direct?: yes printer/start-doc/title pl/session/doc-name pl/session/started?/1: yes ] if any [ spec = 'start-page not pl/session/started?/2 ][ printer/start-page pl/session/started?/2: yes repend/only pl/pages make block! 32 ] if block? spec [ append last pl/pages spec emit spec ] if any [direct? spec = 'end-page][ printer/end-page pl/session/started?/2: no ] if any [direct? spec = 'end-doc][ printer/end-doc pl/session/started?/1: no printer/reset-defaults ] port ] query: copy: func [port][ printer/enum ] close: func [port /local pl][ printer/locals: port/locals printer/close port/state/flags: 0 ] get-modes: func [port spec /local direct?][ printer/locals: port/locals ;-- To be done if direct? [close port] ] set-modes: func [port spec /local swc more? direct?][ printer/locals: port/locals ;-- To be done if direct? [close port] ] net-utils/net-install printer self none ] text-box: 'text ;-- hack for backward compatibility with Draw dialect ;-- TEXT-BOX needs to be emulated in Draw protect 'printer ;-- printer's low-level functions are exposed through 'printer object ;-- in case someone want to create a different input dialect