(function($, undefined) { $.extend({ jsonRPC: { // RPC Version Number version: '2.0', // End point URL, sets default in requests if not // specified with the request call endPoint: null, // Default namespace for methods namespace: null, /* * Provides the RPC client with an optional default endpoint and namespace * * @param {object} The params object which can contain * endPoint {string} The default endpoint for RPC requests * namespace {string} The default namespace for RPC requests * cache {boolean} If set to false, it will force requested * pages not to be cached by the browser. Setting cache * to false also appends a query string parameter, * "_=[TIMESTAMP]", to the URL. (Default: true) */ setup: function(params) { this._validateConfigParams(params); this.endPoint = params.endPoint; this.namespace = params.namespace; this.cache = params.cache !== undefined ? params.cache : true; return this; }, /* * Convenience wrapper method to allow you to temporarily set a config parameter * (endPoint or namespace) and ensure it gets set back to what it was before * * @param {object} The params object which can contains * endPoint {string} The default endpoint for RPC requests * namespace {string} The default namespace for RPC requests * @param {function} callback The function to call with the new params in place */ withOptions: function(params, callback) { this._validateConfigParams(params); // No point in running if there isn't a callback received to run if(callback === undefined) throw("No callback specified"); origParams = {endPoint: this.endPoint, namespace: this.namespace}; this.setup(params); callback.call(this); this.setup(origParams); }, /* * Performas a single RPC request * * @param {string} method The name of the rpc method to be called * @param {object} options A collection of object which can contains * params {array} the params array to send along with the request * success {function} a function that will be executed if the request succeeds * error {function} a function that will be executed if the request fails * url {string} the url to send the request to * id {string} the provenance id for this request (defaults to 1) * cache {boolean} If set to false, it will force requested * pages not to be cached by the browser. Setting cache * to false also appends a query string parameter, * "_=[TIMESTAMP]", to the URL. (Default: cache value * set with the setup method) * @return {undefined} */ request: function(method, options) { if(options === undefined) { options = { id: 1 }; } if (options.id === undefined) { options.id = 1; } if (options.cache === undefined) { options.cache = this.cache; } // Validate method arguments this._validateRequestMethod(method); this._validateRequestParams(options.params); this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success, options.error); // Perform the actual request this._doRequest(JSON.stringify(this._requestDataObj(method, options.params, options.id)), options); return true; }, /* * Submits multiple requests * Takes an array of objects that contain a method and params * * @params {array} requests an array of request object which can contain * method {string} the name of the method * param {object} the params object to be sent with the request * id {string} the provenance id for the request (defaults to an incrementer starting at 1) * @param {object} options A collection of object which can contains * success {function} a function that will be executed if the request succeeds * error {function} a function that will be executed if the request fails * url {string} the url to send the request to * @return {undefined} */ batchRequest: function(requests, options) { if(options === undefined) { options = {}; } // Ensure our requests come in as an array if(!$.isArray(requests) || requests.length === 0) throw("Invalid requests supplied for jsonRPC batchRequest. Must be an array object that contain at least a method attribute"); // Make sure each of our request objects are valid var _that = this; $.each(requests, function(i, req) { _that._validateRequestMethod(req.method); _that._validateRequestParams(req.params); if (req.id === undefined) { req.id = i + 1; } }); this._validateRequestCallbacks(options.success, options.error); var data = [], request; // Prepare our request object for(var i = 0; i 0 && json[0].jsonrpc !== '2.0') || (!$.isArray(json) && json.jsonrpc !== '2.0')) { throw 'Version error'; } return json; } catch (e) { return { error: 'Internal server error: ' + e, version: '2.0' } } } } } }); })(jQuery);