# Template for human RNA-seq using Illumina prepared samples --- details: - analysis: RNA-seq genome_build: GRCh37 algorithm: ## for hg38, change the aligner to hisat2 aligner: star ## uncomment below if adapter trimming needs to be performed ## most samples will not need this # trim_reads: read_through # adapters: [truseq, polya] ## uncomment below if strandedness needs to be set # strandedness: unstranded ## uncomment below if fusion calling is necessary # fusion_caller: [pizzly, oncofuse] ## uncomment below if variant calling is necessary, vardict also supported # variantcaller: [gatk-haplotype, vardict] ## uncomment below if you want other expression callers, salmon is run by default # expression_caller: [cufflinks, express, stringtie, sailfish, dexseq, kallisto, salmon] ## uncomment below if you want to provide a custom transcriptome FASTA file # transcriptome_fasta: your-transcriptome.fa ## uncomment below if you want to provide a custom transcriptome GTF file # transcriptome_gtf: your-transcriptome.gtf ## uncomment below if you want to want to provide a FASTA file of spikeins to quantify # spikein_fasta: your-spikein.fa upload: dir: ../final