The document main element. It contains global attributes that apply to the declared stagingfiles. A similar setting in a stagingfile, overrules a global setting. plan : A list of comma separated services that are to be invoked. These are: StagingfileIngestMaster, StagingFileBindPIDs, StagingfileIngestLevel1, StagingfileIngestLevel2, StagingfileIngestLevel3 label : An alias for the root folder's name. autoGeneratePIDs : used for creation of PIDs in an automatic instruction build. 'none' will apply no policy. 'uuid' will add persistent identifier values to an empty pid element using UUID. 'filename' will substitute an empty PID element with the filename without suffix. A 'lid' value will ignore an empty PID setting. autoIngestValidInstruction : This will trigger the automatic ingest of a valid instruction resolverBaseUrl : The base URL of the resolver. At the OR jump off page this is prefixed to the PID. contentType : mimetype access : determines which access policy to apply action : how to treat the file. pidwebserviceEndpoint : pid webservice endpoint or url pidwebserviceKey : pid webservice key (36 size UUID) objid: the METS object identifier where this file and it's derivatives will belong to. It must be a persistent identifier without the resolve URL. For example: prefix/identifier like 12345/ deleteCompletedInstruction: true or false. Removes the instruction if it completed without errors. replaceExistingDerivatives: true or false. If the plan is set to create derivatives, the value true will replace any preexisting derivatives. If false any preexisting derivatives will not be replaced. pdfLevel: true or false. De derivative level to be used when rendering a pdf. action : See the access element description. pid : the persistent identifier without the resolver server Url. lid : the local identifier of the stagingfile. location : The stagingfile's name; or the absolute path and stagingfile's name. md5 : MD5 checksum of the stagingfile specified in the location element. Left trailing zero's may be skipped. contentType : The content type of the filestream. access : Indicates if the resource is available to the public. embargo : embargo: The embargo date (YYYY-MM-DD). embargoAccess: The embargoAccess to be applied then the embargo date is in effect. objid: the METS object identifier where this file and it's derivatives will belong to. It must be a persistent identifier without the resolve URL. For example: prefix/identifier like 12345/ seq: the physical order of this file in a collection of files. For example where the file is part of a book. When omitted the seq value will be that of the position of the file in the instruction.